Fwd: Support the Coalition & Help Us Win on #GiveOUTDay!

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Ronald Hill

2024年5月23日 19:06:415月23日
收件人 Pilgrim Google Pilgrim Google
Pilgrims, if possible, please contribute.
Ron Hill
ONA rep

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Lorin Cope <bucke...@hotmail.com>
Date: Thu, May 23, 2024 at 12:53 PM
Subject: Support the Coalition & Help Us Win on #GiveOUTDay!
To: Lorin Cope <bucke...@hotmail.com>

Dear Gateway ONA:


We are excited to announce that the Open and Affirming Coalition is participating in #GiveOUTDay, the national giving event for the LGBTQ+ community. We need your help!  


If just two members of every Open and Affirming church contribute $10, we will exceed our goal! Every donation not only supports our work but also helps us compete for additional funds through Leaderboard prizes.  The more unique individual contributions we receive, the better our chances of earning additional funds through "friendly competition" with other LGBTQ+ organizations.


Click here to donate or start a fundraiser: GiveOUTDay Coalition Link


Thank you for your support and for standing with us in pride and solidarity!


With gratitude,



Rev. Derek Terry, Program Director

Open and Affirming Coalition 


The Open and Affirming Coalition of the United Church of Christ

1300 E 9th St. , Suite 1100
Cleveland, OH 44114

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