Are you the Senior Backend Developer MONI Is Looking For?

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Jeremias Ylirotu

Apr 6, 2018, 7:33:33 AM4/6/18
to Python Finland
Heyhey! We are looking for a Senior Backend Developer with mad Python/Django chops!

Anyone here in the know of people who would:

A) Already be EU/EEA residents or citizens pref. within the Nordics/Baltic region or Finland already (this just to expedite the process of getting employed as getting work permits for non-EU residents takes a looooooong time) and

B) Be willing to join our MONI family, an awesome and friendly bunch in their epic adventure to change the Fintech lanscape for good?

Hints and pointers much appreciated (PM please).

P.s. Please feel free to share this message/job add (linked below) to your friends. I will hook you (or your friend) up with your future colleagues to get the straight talk on who we are, what we do and where we are going.

#python #django #fintech #job #developer #backend

P.p.s. We have cookies!

Much Love,
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