Announcing TCP/IP V2.15 for RSX-11M-PLUS

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Johnny Billquist

7:32 PM (3 hours ago) 7:32 PM
to,, [PiDP-11], The Hobbyist DECnet mailing list
Time for a new release announcement of TCP/IP for RSX-11M-PLUS.

This is version 2.16 of BQTCP/IP.


. Fixed an issue in TCP, where if the system is severely loaded, a TCP
socket could get stuck.
. Fixed DNS resolver issues that could create problems at boot time, if
DHCP was taking time to get a configuration.
. Fixed various issues in MAIL/MAILD.
. Improved logging in many daemons.

Detailed information on things that have been done since the last release:

. Improved UDDRV IO timeout handling.

. Bugfix. If we run out of IPPOOL when doing a TCP transmit, that socket
can get stuck. We need to retry allocation later.

. Change resolver to just handle if no IP is known to have DNS resolving
fail, and each time requested, try and figure it out.
. If resolver starts up and we do not have an IP addres, make sure
resolver exits again.

. Updated BQTLIB documentation, PDP-11 C AIO functions.
. Added asynchronous I/O handling to PDP-11 C in bqtlib.
. Reworked DECnet access in PDP-11 C significantly.
. Bugfix in C DECnet library. Connection block setup used the wrong
format codings, leading to connection failures to some operating
systems. This affected MAILD.

. Fixed mail reader handling when at end or beginning of mails.
. Bugfixes in DECnet mail handling.
. Rewritten DECnet handling in MAILD to use new API from BQTLIB.
. Improved MAILD error handling for many situations.
. Added session id in locally received mail logs.
. If MAILD sends mails using SMTP, and the remote side close the
connection during a session, we should reopen the connection for the
next mail to be delivered.
. Improved MAILD logging. In some situations, the wrong network error
code was logged.

. Added the ability to select what is the default form for LPT despooler
via the queue form parameter.

. Changed MLTNET to do immediate ACKs, to improve performance if other
end is using nagle.

. Added task name to FTPD console log entries.
. Improved FTP/FTPD file handling to ensure created files always have at
least RD protection for user and system.

. Trim out binary data from HTTPD error log.

. Added TELNET$LOG logical for if telnetd should be logging.
. Improved TNC2 task to also understand result from RT:
. Improved TNC2 task to also understand result from HT:

. Added allocation fail statistics to IPPOOL.

. Bugfix in IPGEN. C header files should be installed to PDP11C$INCLUDE:
if it exists.

. Bugfix in NTP building. It was referring to $TMADJ, which might be a
non-existing symbol.

Some additional notes:

As usual, I would recommend people to update as soon as possible.
The changes are somewhat critical, but will also lead to a much better

The patches to the TT: driver cannot be applied automatically, but
requires users to apply the patches themselves, and then run SYSGEN to
generate a new system.
Once added, the TNC2 task can be run at login, and will define logical
names for the user telling where he is connected from, if using telnet
or LAT.
TNC2 can get information about remote connections over DECnet as well,
but this requires updates to DECnet. Such patches are not available
separately at this time, but are included in the RSX image provided from
Johnny Billquist.
The TT: driver patches also allows the updated MCR to give more
information with the DEV command (SHOW TERMINAL in DCL).
The patched TT: driver also makes is possible to get telnetd fully
vectorized, as this version provides two more addresses that are
required by telnetd to access information in the kernel.

The other patches to RSX can be applied automatically by IPGEN, either
if used interactively when answering YES to the question about applying
RSX patches, or by running IPGEN explicitly to do the patches, with the


Specific information about the patches:
LAT: Fixes a memory leak, and adds the ability to read where a terminal
connection comes from when using LAT, using SF.GMC.
RMSDAP: Fixes a bug in getting the file protection, so the XAB gets
filled in correctly for remote files.
RMSDSP: Fixes that some numbers were displayed in signed octal, which
should have been displayed in decimal or unsigned octal, depending on
DCL: Added terminal attributes for COLOR.
MCR: Too many fixes to be listed here...
INS: Fixes that users cannot circumvent protection on common regions.
HEL: Fix that users can login with session ID, or with directory, in
addition to name and UIC.
ACNT: Add no password change attribute to accounts.
PSW: Add no password change handling.
SYL (SYSLOG): Add terminal idle tracking on accounts without idle logout.
ECL: If the receiving machine is very slow, and the sending machine is
very fast, and the receiver announce several large buffers available,
ECL cannot keep up, and drops packets. This is a problem with the DECnet
flow control, as it is used in RSX. The simple solution is to allow more
outstanding buffers when receiving. A more complex solution would be to
change how RSX DECnet do flow control, but that would require rewriting
a fair chunk of the ECL module.
NMVACP: Fix handling of "show known nodes" command, which could skip
some nodes.
NVP: Add ability to use session ID or directory name for user identity
in DECnet nodename specifications.
EPM: Fix handling of ethernet multicast.
NTDEMO: Fix that hosts without names should display DECnet address.
NCP: Parse of additional information types in NICE messages.

As usual, the distribution is available from:

!!! BQTCP is also available through RPM !!!

(As an additional note, if there are any problems communicating with Mim
using port 21, the ftp service is also available at port 10021)

The documentation is also available through ftp on Mim, or also at

I hope people find this update useful.


Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol
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