I completed assembling the 11/70 front panel and attached the RPi and the system responded correctly when I went through the 4-5 check out steps, e.g. load, deposit, halt, continue, etc.
I disconnected the monitor, keyboard, and mouse, rebooted the Pi (all the SR switches were in the 'down' position, enable/halt was in halt), and the system went into IDLED 'monitor' program, with the LEDs flashing.
Now it is my understanding that if I select a OS to boot, e.g RT11 (0003) and hit the address rotary knob, the monitor should boot the specified OS...except it doesn't.
All the LEDs turn off. When I connect to the pidp11 via VNC, open up a terminal window,
Type cd /opt/pidp11/bin ,
and restart the simulator using ./pidp11.sh 0003
it responds saying the client is connecting and then it goes into a continuous loop, spitting out the following:
PDP-11 simulator V4.0-0 Current REALCONS build Dec 19 2023
Ignoring SR switches, argument provided to script: 0003
*** booting rt11 ***
./pidp11.sh: line 43: /run/pidp11/tmpsimhcommand.txt:
Permission denied
*** Start client/server ***
PiDP-11 FP 2023
control-C stops the output looping
I looked at
tmpsimhcommand.txt and it contains one word: exit
Permissions are -rw-r- -r-- Tmpsimhcommand.txt
So what is the problem? How can I boot an os from the front panel?