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Dimuthu Asanka Collure

Nov 14, 2021, 4:26:46 PM11/14/21
to Picture to People
Dear Sir/ Madam
this web site very usefull and help full when we create our names. but i will very thank full if this support to sinhala font of Sri Lanka. if we created with english why we cannot make from language sinhala fonts. web updater kindly help to country sri lanka by making to support sinhala
Thank you Dimuthu Asanka
From Sri Lanka

Picture to People - Computer Graphics

Nov 14, 2021, 4:53:27 PM11/14/21
to Picture to People
Picture to People site does not implement Eastern languages.

Besides, almost all fonts provided in the site don't implement Eastern characters and none implements the language you want.

The list of supported languages is shown in P2P "how to use" page:
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