Time out error, read 3981212 of 3981261 bytes

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Er. Kēyūra Dīnēshchandra Jōshī

Aug 17, 2019, 12:20:55 AM8/17/19
to Picture to People
First, I'd like to thank you for such a great project and website.
I understood that maximum supportive file size is 5 mb.

When I try to cartoonize my image, it gives me similar timeout error. read x-someamout of x bytes.
What is going strange?

Thank you

Picture to People - Computer Graphics

Aug 17, 2019, 12:59:27 AM8/17/19
to Picture to People
This error is caused by a malfunction in the inter-process pipe (stream) opened in the OS by the web server.

When this bug manifests, the last data blocks are not flushed in the stream, so Picture to People code (CGI) never gets all request data, so a time-out error happens.

It is not an error on Picture to People code, and we can not solve or avoid it. Fortunately this error happens very rarely.

Try to crop or to stretch the input image a little and possibly it may work.

Er. Kēyūra Dīnēshchandra Jōshī

Aug 19, 2019, 12:51:15 AM8/19/19
to Picture to People
Thank you for quick reply.
It is good to know that the error resulted from the bug in web server end and not from P2P code!
It worked with different image.
Thank you
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