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Graham READ

Jun 2, 2020, 12:46:05 PM6/2/20
to Picture to People
I love PICTURETOPEOPLE as you can do so many things to a photograph. but I WOULD LIKE to see some GRUNGE FRAMES on the site so I can add a white grunge frame to some of my photos.. anyone know where i can get White Grunge frames free online without having to download an app

Picture to People - Computer Graphics

Jun 2, 2020, 1:35:40 PM6/2/20
to Picture to People
Unfortunately, I have no other software to suggest to you.

However, with some simple work on a computer (not your mobile), maybe you can get what you want with no download of extra software:

1) Change the parameters from this online tool to create a flat frame on your image:

2) Use this online tool to create a grunge version of your photo that already has the frame:

At this point, you have a grunge frame, but your photo has a grunge style too. The next steps are to cover the grunge photo with your original photo, leaving just the frame with a grunge style.

3) Open your original photo on the basic image editor that already comes with your computer (MSPaint on Windows, for example). Select the whole image if needed and copy it to clipboard (the goal here is to have the original photo on clipboard; not the file, the image itself). To avoid confusion, close the image editor.

4) Open the grunge framed image created in the step 2) on the same image editor.

5) Now, using the image editor already open with the grunge framed image, paste the image copied to clipboard on step 3) (your original image) over the image opened in step 4). You just need to take care of positioning the overlay image carefully, so you get the grunge frame all uncovered (you want to cover just the grunge photo inside the frame).

I hope it helps.

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