Transparent text generator.

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Dec 3, 2021, 10:41:01 AM12/3/21
to Picture to People
This was a great tool I used for my videos, but now the options are incredibly limited since they updated it. users are now locked out of using ARIAL! The most basic font is no longer available! i have now have no incentive to use this site and must look for an alternative which is a shame because my workflow was attuned to quickly using this one.

Picture to People - Computer Graphics

Dec 3, 2021, 10:47:32 AM12/3/21
to Picture to People
That is not correct that there is only Arial font available. There are more than 100 fonts unblocked for everybody.

Possibly you are being deceived by your browser cache, because we published a new front-end that is not compatible with the old one. Clean all your browser cache and try again (or try a different browser where you never used the Picture to People site).
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