Photo to Cartoon, I need some help.

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Jared Jolico

May 6, 2020, 11:39:21 PM5/6/20
to Picture to People
I am not understanding what or where or how you upload your photo to get started, could someone point me in the right direction to get started?
This seems like it's going to be awesome if I can just get started.

Picture to People - Computer Graphics

May 6, 2020, 11:57:14 PM5/6/20
to Picture to People
Picture to People has two online tools focused on turning photos into cartoon drawings. Each one has its own page. They can be found here:

Both work in a similar way:
- load the cartoon generator page on your browser;
- scroll down to the part titled "Configuration";
- select the configuration parameters as you want;
- click the upload button just above the "Generate" button, and select the image file to upload;
- click the "Generate" button and wait for the reply;
- when the result page loads, scroll down if needed, so you can see the result image. If you like the created effect, use the "Download Image" button below the result image to download the image file;
- to go back to the photo effect generator page, click the "Back" button that also is below the result image.

To see a list with most of Picture to People photo effects, you can go here:

I hope it helps.

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