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Picrust 2 downstream analysis - which is suitable

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Verena Gschiel

Aug 2, 2024, 7:39:36 AM8/2/24
to picrust-users
Dear Picrust community, 
I m organising a lecture about picrust2 and wondered what would be the best downstream analysis tool for the students. I had a look into STAMP, ggpicrust and AldexR. However, I am unsure what would be the easiest solution. The students get two microbiome datasets (each with 10 samples - based on 16S amplicon sequencing) and should do functional predictions on them. 

Robyn Wright

Aug 2, 2024, 7:42:16 AM8/2/24
to picrust-users
Hi there,

We recently ran some workshops where we used PICRUSt2 and did some downstream analyses using Phyloseq and a few differential abundance methods. You can take a look at that here if you like:


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