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Customized the reference database

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Chao-Jui Chang

Oct 29, 2024, 11:16:04 AM10/29/24
to picrust-users
Dear PICRUSt2 team

I have a question about the version of the reference database used by PICRUSt2
Although I can access the reference file on the picrust2/default_files in the GitHub
one question is what is the version of these files (namely the released date of this file (eg., ko_info.tsv.gzec_level4_info.tsv.gzmetacyc_pathways_info.txt.gz))
I think these files are from KEGG, the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and MetaCyc
however, I can not find  the information about the version of these files so far

I think these databases are not the newest version
is it possible to use a customized database for example the New KEGG pathways database, I access


Robyn Wright

Oct 29, 2024, 11:32:52 AM10/29/24
to picrust-users
Hi there Chao-Jui,

So unfortunately I don't actually know the version that was used for these (and it may well differ for different genomes). I do hope to get around to testing with the new annotations that I'm creating soon, and I'll let the community know here when that happens!

Best wishes,

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