Problems loading on iOS 9.x

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Chris Fourie

May 2, 2023, 3:01:17 AM5/2/23
to PicApport
Hi there,

I've been very impressed with Picapport, but I can't seem to get my older iPad to load any pages. I get a ReferenceError:

"Can't find variables: PaUtils"

I've tried various JDK version on a linux VM, and even the Windows installer, but no luck.
The iOS version can't run Chrome, so only Safari works. I was hoping Picapport would allow me to use the couple old iPads I have laying around as picture frames.

Is this an issue with the browser, or Picapport? Should I try an older version?

Kind regards,

May 2, 2023, 3:58:56 AM5/2/23
to PicApport
Hi Chris,

old iPads as picture frames is a good idea :) I also got one laying around useless.

What you describe is a front-end problem in the old browser which is unaware of newer Javascript features. Unfortunately Safari is dusty old on these devices. There are two things you can do I think:

Try an older version of PicApport which uses an old Webinterface (but then the complete program is old and lacks of all the good features)

Use the API of PicApport, organise your photos with the latest version and make your own "Viewer" component (Website which loads and shows the pictures/slideshows but with way less features in the fronted)

So, I would recommend the second approach. Are you a programmer? - Maybe there exists a lightweight fronted anywhere?
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