Trying to initialize some new PIC24GP202s. BullyCPP fails with a message “Error: Timeout while writing serial port.” BullyCPP indicates it is v1.0.0. My steps were:
1) 1: MPLAB XPE PE v4.20 with pickit 3
a) erase device
b) verify blank
c) load “hex/p24HJ32GP202_default_bootloader.hex”
d) program
e) verify
2) MPLAB X IDE v4.20
a) load project echo
b) remove gld file
c) add “lib/lkr/p24HJ32GP202_bootldr.gld”
d) clean build
3) BullyCPP that fails
So I copied over a firmware file and a gld file from the original environment. Using the same tools except that BullyCPP was replaced by winbootloader and everything worked except for a few inconsequential messages about the gld file.
Please advise where I went wrong. Thanks.
-- Dave