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Pito Salas

Jan 28, 2013, 9:28:44 PM1/28/13
to Molly Johnson,, Piazza Team
Hi Molly,

Can you explain why for some posts, in the list on the left, the name of the post is preceded by a blue square and a group nbame (e.g. "Sec 2") and in other cases not? It doesn't seem to correspond exactly with whether the author is in that group... Or is that a bug?



Pito Salas

Jan 29, 2013, 9:35:57 AM1/29/13
to Molly Johnson, Piazza Team,
Hi Molly

Thanks for the response... I still don't know why you guys don't grab the bull by the hands and set up a user group for all your users to share questions. That would be the best way to learn what is needed in the product, and offload your own day to day tech support load.

Your answers are very helpful! I do have some more questions

On Jan 28, 2013, at 10:25 PM, Molly Johnson <> wrote:

> For the blue tags on the left- this signifies what group the post was
> directed towards. So if the author is in a group, but chose to post to
> "entire class" rather than "group two" it will not show up as a group tag.
> Please let me know if this is unclear, or you believe this doesn't explain
> the behavior in your class.

Yeah it is unclear. The implication is that the poster is in that group. You might consider a tooltip when hovering over the tag.

And given that I understand it now I think you need to 'nudge' posters to post to their own section. So the default when posting should not be for everyone but for the user's section.

> For everyone: "save to favorites" adds the post to the favorites bucket at
> the top of your side panel (screen shot attached). For each post, the
> number of people who "favorited" is added up.

Great. So why would that not be the best way to achieve my "voting for a project" question from the other day?

> As an instructor: "good question/answer" endorses students' response. This
> feedback will show up on the side panel in green (screen shot attached).
> Top students in terms of endorsements received will also show up in your
> class statistics.


> The student "thanks" button is recorded per user. It's our way of keeping
> track of how helpful the answer is for students. We are actually looking
> into implementing a 'thumbs up' feature- so hopefully this will help with
> your use-case.

Is that 'thanks' counter visibible to all students or just instructors?

> In terms of our features in the coming month: we're currently iterating on
> a good way of notifying professors of upcoming features. I'd love any
> feedback you have on this. Thanks for your help!

It's not too hard. Just add a 'what's new' link in the top right and update it. Don't over engineer it. And move on to features that actually benefit users! :)

-- Pito

Pito Salas

Jan 29, 2013, 1:46:52 PM1/29/13
to Molly Johnson, Piazza Team,

On Jan 29, 2013, at 1:37 PM, Molly Johnson <> wrote:

> I'd love the hear more about 'nudging' posters to post in their own
> section. For your class, do you find most of the content is
> section-specific and would only benefit that one group?

Basically what I would like is that when a user says that they indicate that they are joining a group they can also designate that that group should be the default target for their posts. Right now the default target is "all".

(And by the way you probably know that groups, tags and folders are pretty poorly designed right now. They all do something similar but different. For example I discovered that I can store a certain note in two folders at once. That makes no sense, or at least, that makes folders almost like tags. Also the difference between a hash tag an an official tag is confusing. And why are groups not just tags or folders, given that I can be in more than one group at once as well. Those three features desperately need to be rationalized!)

-- Pito

Pito Salas

Jan 31, 2013, 7:54:27 PM1/31/13
to Molly Johnson,, Piazza Team
Hi Molly

(I think I have 3 questions that are awaiting responses. One of them, about unread, I solved myself. I've been switching back and forth between two usernames to test the student experience in some of the edge cases I am exploring. So no need for a response on that one, but yes on the other two.)

This is aneasy one. Please look at the attached screenshot. You can see that more folders appear in the light blue area in the right pane than appear in the light grey area in the page header used for filtering. How come?


- Pito
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