How to encourage more active participation?

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17.03.2013, 08:04:1817.03.13
I use piazza in a way in which maybe it was not intended. I post questions and small exercises to encourage thinking and problem solving, especially before tests. Even though all question do eventually get answered, unfortunately I find that most students are passive viewers and only a handful of them actually do the work and submit answers. Even so this is way more participation than I have arising from the students themselves (i.e. they ask very few unsolicited questions).

To encourage piazza viewing I post weekly summaries of classes (something the students should of course do by themselves but don't). This of course provides a huge help for them so I am considering making the summaries accessible to only students who have at least contributed one question/aswer.
Do you think this too radical/unfriendly/anti-educational an approach? Thanks for any feedback.

ps. I emailed another instructor who teaches a similar class in the US (I am based in Europe) and he said he had exactly the same problem. I thought it was a cultural thing but maybe not.


17.03.2013, 08:07:3817.03.13
Oops. How would I even do my "private posting" to only participating students? I would like to create a group of active students but do I really have to add each of their addresses by hand ?


Pito Salas

18.03.2013, 17:07:2718.03.13
an Ileana Blade,
Yes it is an official component of their grade, as 'class participation'

-- Pito
p.s. sent from my iPhone, so excuse brevity, typos, etc.

On Mar 18, 2013, at 1:16 PM, Ileana Blade <> wrote:

Hello Pito

Do you give a grade at the end or a monthly grade? Maybe I should not have said it would raise their grade but it would be part of their grade.


ps. I don�t know anyone else who uses Piazza !

On Mar 18, 2013, at 4:59 PM, Pito Salas wrote:

What I do is make participation part of their grade. That works well. And then I read their posts and give some of them a 'good note' or post further discussion points as responses. 

By the way you should encourage anyone you know who uses piazza to join this list. The more we are the more we can help piazza make the product great!

-- Pito
p.s. sent from my iPhone, so excuse brevity, typos, etc.

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Dr. Ileana Blad�
Associate Professor 
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