Accepting unofficial phase submissions for the 2024 PhysioNet Challenge

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PhysioNet Challenge

Feb 29, 2024, 8:29:59 PM2/29/24
to physionet-challenges
Dear Challengers,

We are delighted to announce that we are now accepting submissions to the George B. Moody PhysioNet Challenge 2024: Digitization and Classification of ECG Images.

This year’s Challenge invites teams to develop algorithms for digitizing and classifying electrocardiograms (ECGs) captured from images or paper printouts. We have shared example code from ECG-Image-Kit for generating and digitizing ECGs, example submissions, and scoring code to help you develop your algorithms.
Before submitting your code, please read the submission instructions, double check your code, and complete the submission form when ready.

Given the computational complexity of generating and training on large numbers of synthetic ECG images, we are asking you to submit your complete code base, including your training code, along with a pre-trained model. We will run your training code on a small subset of the training set to check it for errors, but we will score your pre-trained model on the validation set. At the end of the Challenge, we will re-run your training code on the full training set and score the resulting model on the test set.

As always, we strongly encourage you to share your feedback to help us improve the Challenge. We are already planning exciting improvements for the official phase:

For more information and rules, please see and our launch announcement. Please note that you must register for this year’s Challenge even if you competed last year and have no team changes. Please also note the deadlines: to be eligible for an official ranking and prize, you must submit a working entry before the end of the unofficial phase and an abstract describing preliminary results by the abstract submission deadline. Please see the website for all key dates and the launch announcement for other details.

Many thanks again for your continued support of this event, and we hope that you enjoy the 2024 Challenge!

(On behalf of the Challenge team.)

Please post questions and comments in the forum. However, if your question reveals information about your entry, then please email info at We may post parts of our reply publicly if we feel that all Challengers should benefit from it. We will not answer emails about the Challenge to any other address. This email is maintained by a group. Please do not email us individually.

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