Challenge description paper, CinC paper templates, and other next steps

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PhysioNet Challenge

Aug 17, 2022, 10:29:56 PM8/17/22
to physionet-challenges
Dear Challengers,

Thank you to everyone who submitted entries in the past months, weeks, and days! The official phase of this year’s Challenge ended earlier this week, the deadline for uploading your preprints and presentations is a week from today, and CinC 2022 itself is only a few weeks away. Please read this announcement for important information about our next steps, including information about evaluating your models on the test set, the Challenge description paper and CinC paper templates.

Evaluation on the Test Set:
We are currently running the final official phase entries on the validation set, and we will soon run a single entry from each team on the test set. If you have not chosen an entry for us to run on the test set, and do not want us to run your highest-scoring entry (the default choice), then please complete this form before Monday, 22 August 2022:

We will use the scores on the test set to choose the winning teams, and we will announce the winners at the closing ceremony at CinC. We will share the scores of the teams on the test set shortly after CinC.

Please remember that submitting a preprint and an updated final paper, registering for CinC and presenting your work, and following the other Challenge rules are important parts of the Challenge and required for the official rankings and prize eligibility.

We always receive a large number of entries in the final days and hours of the official phase. Unfortunately, some of the entries have bugs that prevent us from scoring them, and we are unable to process additional submissions, including minor bug fixes, after the deadline due to the timeline imposed by the conference and the need to be fair to all teams. Teams that did not receive a score on the validation set during the official phase will not receive a score on the test set, but they should still include cross-validation results on the training data in their papers and presentations and note that their code was unable to be scored on the validation and test sets.

CinC Preprints and Presentations:
Please see the top announcement on the Challenge webpage for links to LaTeX and Word templates for your CinC papers:

These templates include important guidance about how to describe your approach and contributions to this year’s Challenge, so please follow the instructions carefully. In particular, please describe your results accurately as described in the template, and please cite the official description of the Challenge as given on this page and in the template. These papers describe this year’s Challenge so that you can focus on describing your work. Every year, we need to contact a large number of teams to ask them to update their papers to follow these instructions, and teams that cannot ultimately follow the instructions will not appear in the final conference proceedings. In particular, you should include your scores on the training and validation data in your preprint and presentation. Since you will not receive scores on the test data before you submit your preprint, you should update your preprint after CinC to include your scores and rankings on the test data.

Please see these webpages from the conference organizers for important information about preparing and submitting your preprints and presentations:

Please note that the Challenge has slightly earlier deadlines than the rest of the conference so that we have a chance to provide feedback.

Please contact the conference organizers directly for information about your preprints and presentations that are not directly related to the Challenge, e.g., submission difficulties. The Challenge Organizers do not set the CinC deadlines and cannot extend them.

CinC Registration:

Like last year, this year's conference allows for in-person and remote attendance. Please register for CinC if you haven’t done so already:

Please contact the conference organizers directly for information about your registration, e.g., visa issues or fee questions. The Challenge Organizers do not set the CinC deadlines and cannot extend them.

Final Words:
As always, please contact us with questions if you do not find your answers on the Challenge website or the discussion forum.

We are looking forward to your preprints and presentations and can’t wait to share the results of this year’s Challenge!

The Challenge Organizers

Please post questions and comments in the forum. However, if your question reveals information about your entry, then please email info at We may post parts of our reply publicly if we feel that all Challengers should benefit from it. We will not answer emails about the Challenge to any other address. This email is maintained by a group. Please do not email us individually.

Quick links for this year's Challenge:
- Registration form
- Submission instructions and form
- Public discussion forum
- Rules and deadlines
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