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PhysioNet Challenge

Feb 24, 2021, 1:53:22 AM2/24/21
to physionet-challenges
Dear Challengers,

We have started receiving submissions for the 2021 Challenge and will begin to update the leaderboard with your scores as we receive and evaluate your code:

We have also made minor changes to the training data to encode sex consistently across datasets, and we have made minor changes to the example code to apply ADC gain consistently with the WFDB toolkit. Please see below for details. Most teams should not notice any differences with their code, but we encourage you to read the changes and download the current versions.

Believe it or not, the deadline for the unofficial phase (8th April) is approaching! We encourage teams to make your first submission at least a month before this deadline to allow ample time to debug and improve your model. Teams that make their first entries shortly before the deadline for the unofficial phase risk not having a successful entry for their CinC abstracts, and we want you to have the most opportunities for success.

The details of the minor changes in the data and example code are as follows:

We have updated the header files of the St. Petersburg data for consistent sex encoding across all datasets. You can download updated St. Petersburg header files using the following link:

We have also made a minor change to the pre-processing step of our example code (Python and MATLAB) to apply ADC gain consistently with the WFDB toolkit.
You can download our latest example scripts using the following links:

We look forward to your entries and feedback about this year’s Challenge. The unofficial phase is an opportunity for you to shape the Challenge!


Gari, Matt, Nadi and all the team at PhysioNet

Quick links for this year's Challenge:

Registration form
Public discussion forum
Rules and deadlines
- Submission instructions and form


Feb 24, 2021, 5:20:45 PM2/24/21
to physionet-challenges
Dear Challengers,

We discovered an issue with the updated St. Petersburg header data. Until we update the link, please access St. Petersburg header files using the previous link.

Apologies for the inconvenience.


(On behalf of the Challenge team)

Quick links for this year's Challenge:

Rules and deadlines
- Submission instructions and form


Feb 24, 2021, 7:08:26 PM2/24/21
to physionet-challenges
Dear Challengers,

We fixed the issue of the St. Petersburg data files. You can download the updated St. Petersburg header files with correct encoding of demographic information using the following link:

Apologies for the error and inconvenience.
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