Test Data PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2015

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Germán Moreno Jaimes

Aug 25, 2023, 10:08:42 AM8/25/23
to physionet-challenges
Hi there, 

I've already read a couple of threads regarding this question, but I would love to ask since it has been almost 8 years from the PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2015. Is there any chance to get the testing signals for this challenge? there's not so much sense in hiding those test data and would really being helpful. These signals are a valuable resource for people who wants to develop better solutions for this challenge

Thank you in advance! 



PhysioNet Challenge

Aug 28, 2023, 3:26:48 PM8/28/23
to physionet-challenges
Dear Germán,

Thanks for reaching out. As far as I know, there are currently no plans to release the test data for the 2015 Challenge. We keep this data private for the reasons you probably read about in the previous threads. Keeping the test data secret discourages cheating (especially accidental cheating) and learning from the test data. However, we may be able to run your code for a previous year’s Challenge, including one shot at the test data. This policy is meant to ensure that the method is truly repeatable and the model is truly generalizable.

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