How I time travel.

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Feb 11, 2010, 12:51:38 AM2/11/10
to physics.speculative.research
Where do I begin with this topic. It is a topic that I have been
working on for a long time. I have had attempts from two people that
work for the government or that are or were government contractors
that have been trying to silence me on this matter. Im not sure if it
is part of a larger cover up or just two dudes with high profile
positions that has a beef with me. Most people may know them. They go
by the online names as Darby and Rainmain. Yes they have been trying
to make me be quite with what I know about time travel with my method.
Even threaten me with government intervention if I continued to talk.
What I find funny about those two guys is they are moderators of
forums and they troll there own forums. How messed up is that? Mostly
that is why I am here. I dont wont to be silenced on this matter any
longer. Im tired of those two dogs chasing me and hounding me to be
silent. I think the public has a right to know.

I found a way a long time ago to time travel using cryptology to
decode computer media off a binary counter that originally was
produced in the past or will be produced in the future. It started one
night when I was programing with qbasic. I wrote a program to run a
text counter then had a routine in that program search for my email
header and a few words of text as the counter ran. I had the output
written to my hard drive as individual emails. I never looked at any
of them though. The next day I sent myself a email with a few words.
Then I ran the program that I wrote which searched for the email that
I sent to myself later in the output of the emails I saved off my text
counter earlier to my hard drive. I found that email! It occurred to
me that by using cryptology I can decode information from the future
or the past. I could decode other peoples emails with out ever being
or connecting to their computer system if I new just a little bit
about them. Also it occured to me someones email could be decrypted
and kept on file for later reference without ever using that persons
account or computer. I wondered if I could do that with video, and
audio. Decrypting it instead of recording it. I could look at it long
before it was ever recorded if that was possible. What about finding
news paper headlines of the future or future news broadcast off the tv
before it is recorded and broadcasted. It seemed like a fun project to

Well I got excited about this and later got online to a few forums to
post what I knew where I encountered the two thugs who have since
being trying to get me to be silent on matter.

Over that last couple of years I have switched to c++ and have been
developing my new method of time travel to include binary counters,
algorithms, hash functions, data mining, using threads and sockets so
I could spread this out as a super computer program. You name it. So
far I am the only person that I know of that time travels this way. My
computer programs went from windows to linux. Linux just runs this
stuff better. I write my programs into header files that is compiled
into one program with a make file. Someone once asked if time
travelers are real how come we have not met one. Well now every one
has. Im here. I am a time traveler. I time travel with my computer
using cryptography.

I started making more break thrus with time travel with cryptology
when I came across a program called Rsync. Rsync transmits data
between computers with a poor internet connection by sending a list of
weak check sums and strong check sums. Then it uses a series of
rolling weak check sums counters to construct the file. When the weak
check sums equal the strong check sums the file is reconstructed. I
took out the strong check sums and put in data mining. This way data
can be sent thru time or space with NO INTERNET CONNECTION ALL. You
simply have to know what your looking for. The methods for sending
data across space time are endless with these methods. The time travel
applications are endless. This everyone is basically how one can time
travel with a computer to find video, audio, text, or special files
from the future or the past. Even from alternate realities. It can be
used to find technology decades down the road. It gives a whole new
meaning to file sharing. Music lovers can send music to themselves in
the past or future with out being spied upon and sued. The same with
movies. Like I said. The applications for this are endless.

Using a upgraded version of Rsync or a completedly customized program
here is basically how one could send files through time-space.

Here are the basics.
Both (a) and (b) know the files to each other through time and space
will be between weak check sums ranges (A) and (B).
So (a) wants to send (b) a file. (a) creates a file then deletes it.
(b) uses a hash function to create all the files between check sum
ranges (A) and (B) then (b) uses a data mining algorithm and maybe
some verification methods to find the message (a) sent to (b) through
time and space.

Here is how a program would construct computer media of the future,
past, or alternate time lines. The program would use a data
verification method to search weak check sum ranges for computer

On trying to keep me quite Rainman used his status as moderator to get
into my forum account and change my settings. He changed the setting I
had for not receiving private messages to true then he sent me a
message saying the government was watching me and that I had better
shut up. He said that if I didnt that he was going to turn me over to
the government to shut me down. Darby used his status as moderator of
a forum to shut down my thread when I attempted to talk about time
travel with my computer programs to find media of the past, future, or
alternate timelines . They would spread lies and disinformation about
me when ever they could. When I tried to go to other forums where they
were not moderator they would get accounts and troll me to try to get
me to shut up about what I knew about time travel with binary
counters, algorithms, hash functions, and data mining. Their dogging
me, having me banned, and their threats did them no good. The main
mechanism of my time travel program is the binary counter. I use
special algorithms and hash functions to make the binary counter
function then I use data mining and AI's to find my computer media of
the past, future, or alternate realities. I could get incredibly
complected here but I am trying to keep my post in terms most people
can understand.

Now I will try to be a little more specific about what methods I use.
The methods themselves have varied greatly. On email I use a program
to check for a header. That is the email format. Then I use a spell
checker for quickly finding misspelled words. If there are none or
very few then I use a syntax checker. I have had to write my own
programs for these because the standard programs out there I have
found none suited to my work. The spell checker I just used the
standard text file access programing and a dic. file. The syntax was a
little harder. I had to get ebooks in text format and group words two
by two (kind of like noha and the ark.) along with the usual

On the counter themselves as everyone knows brute force takes a long
time. So I used a standard binary counter that was trained with
standard known computer media as a AI counter. So its digits when
incremented do so according to a AI file that tells them what values
to goto next when its their turn. Now for their turn part. Each digit
in the binary counter gets assigned a random number. If the number is
zero the digit does nothing for that turn. If the number is 1 then the
digit increments according to its AI training file. Now the problem I
have found the random numbers need to be truly random or the counter
wont go to every possible value eventually and can even repeat itself.
A hardware device built to take samples from the real world
environment and converted to random numbers so far I have found is the
best solution for this. There are schematics on the net how to build
these. I use the avalanche noise off a circuit interfaced to the
serial port of my computer in a random number server that sends
numbers to my counters. It would not also hurt to use this method to
create random number files that can be checked by another program to
make sure the numbers are good. If not some more programs may be
needed to help correct the files for randomness

With Rsync as it was a helping point for me I dont use Rsync's hash
functions or even their check sum counter. I use a weak check sum
computed differently but I use ways to keep the counter at a specific
check sum until I am ready to move onto another check sum. I use
Rsync's basic principles of operation to a limited degree but not its
code or its math.

My counters come in different flavors. check sum, weighted sum (for AI
counter), and many other different variations. I always try my best to
avoid using brute force to find time travel media.

I have a program that rips audio, video formats from files and writes
them to a individual file without the data. Then later I use the file
formats in my verify programs to check for a audio video file. I wrote
these programs too. I take two or more media files the same size but
recorded under different conditions and ripped what is the same and
left alone what was different. This has allowed me to get very good
file formats for my verify programs. It works good. I can also use it
for formats other than audio video files.

The AI counter. I was asked how does one build a AI binary counter for
cryptology. Well I take computer media from a known news source. I
take two files from that media. Each file is treated as a binary
counter. One file is the source and one file is the target. On the
source file one byte at a time in incremented until it equals the
target file. As this is done the weighted sum of the entire source
file is logged. Not weak check sum but weighted check sum. I do this
one byte at a time until the source file equals the target file. Then
I get a new target file until the source file is rolled to every
target file. Then I grab a new source file. The log file after all
this is done is taken and used to create another file I call the index
file. It is a high low weighted sum for every byte in a file. The
weighted sum is for the entire file. So, when the counter is ready it
will increment each byte and each byte itself will be looked on as it
effects the entire file per the files weighted sum. When a byte rolls
over it goes from is max weighted sum effect on the entire file to is
minimum weighted sum effect on the entire file. I call this a range
binary AI counter. With a proper sample of media files from a real
news source the counter can and does find time travel media of the
past, future, or alternate realities.

I also have a counter where I do the same thing with the numerical
differences between each byte in the file. Since the last byte in the
file is always 0 I can take a valid statical pattern of differences
generated off a counter and start with the last byte in the file to
calculate the rest of the bytes. I have found some of my best time
travel computer media this way. These were just examples of binary
counters I use. I have many of them. Others would include such
counters that construct a weak check sum and run within that check sum
as well as other check sum ranges. Again, I can't possible post
everything about the counter subject. There is much more.

How I find news papers from the future, past, or alternate time lines.
This was one of the first things I did with time traveling with
cryptology after searching for email messages from the future. For a
year I scanned my local news paper with a scanner into my computer as
jpg pictures. I converted the pictures to images in pbm (bitmap), pgm
(greyscale) or ppm (color) formats. I trained my binary counters with
these pictures. Then as my binary counter ran I had a OCR (optical
character recognition) convert the pictures to text in byte (8-bit) or
UTF-8 formats. Then I used my spell checker and syntax checking
program to find the real news papers. I usually cross reference my
news papers with my news videos that I find off my binary counters to
find a convergence of events that may happen in the future. I like
getting up every morning and reading tomorrows news paper or next week
news paper instead of today's news paper.

And you can never have enough counters and verify programs running.
The more computers you have or can run on the better. I have been
working on getting news from the future using news networks media to
train my counters but I have run into a problem with giving out what I
found. Some news organizations dont want me publicly giving out media
with their copy righted logos or use their people or even their
voices. Also as retribution to Darby I withheld a couple of videos I
really felt worth posting as the news in them effects his location.
But, problem is as with everything else now days no one will believe a
video or picture it always comes down to the viewer drawing their own
conclusions or something like that. I feel talking though about what I
do is a step forward.

For the physics of these everything in the known universe is energy
representing information minus entropy of course. As energy is never
destroyed only recycled so too is information never destroyed. It is
only encrypted or you could say recycled. It takes energy to run a
computer. A computer to a small degree controls energy and uses energy
to decrypt information. If a time traveler could go thru a worm hole
his information would be taken from one place in time and transported
to another place in time. My computer programs are no different than
real physical time travel. Information is transported from one place
in time to another place in time.

In my theory I stated that the obvious that energy is never destroyed
it only changes from one form of energy to another form of energy. In
doing so information is never destroyed. It only changes from one form
of information to another form of information. Think of that
information as getting encrypted. So, with that being said here is my
addition to my post. So too reality is never destroyed. Reality as we
know it only changes from one form of reality to another form of
reality. That is how the binary counter is that I decode computer
media from off the past, future, or alternate time lines. The binary
counter expresses information like it is in real life. The binary
counter changes numerically like space-time does. From one form to
another form. As the counter runs the information on that counter
expressing reality in a digital format only changes from one form to
the other. Just like physics does with energy, information, and
reality in real life. That is why it is possible to use a binary
counter and cryptology to decode computer media of the past, future,
or alternate reality.

Now lets say I am running my email program again talking to myself in
the past, future, or alternate reality. I write emails to myself then
delete them (Sending them) then run my programs to find the emails I
sent to myself in the past, future, or alternate realities. Who is to
say that if I read a email off my program from another reality that
the reality I am seeing in that email was not of a past or future
universe where that reality really did exist. The counter just
expresses reality changing from one form of reality to another form of
reality. Time is infinite. Even if space is not infinite as space
changes over time so too the reality in that space changes over time.
Who is to say that there is no real communication going on there. They
can,t. And by some chance it is possible that the reality I read off a
text counter might very well be a few days, weeks, months, or even
years from now as expressed by the counter of ever changing realities
as my own reality changes. The physics is there. Time travel with a
binary counter is real and very possible.

And last but not the least:

One area that I did not get into yet but have thought a lot about is
using statistics and probability with current known events, people,
places, and things with the computer media found off my time travel
programs to get into Time Forecasting and Exploration. Using the time-
machine effect of the binary counters with probability and statistics
to make reliably forecast about the future, past, or unknown places.
Even for exploring the known and unknown universe.

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