We are speaking at OSCON 2015 Amsterdam: bootstrapping a business around open source

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Hongli Lai

Oct 21, 2015, 2:14:25 AM10/21/15
to phusion-...@googlegroups.com, phusion-passeng...@googlegroups.com
Hi Passenger mailing list subscribers!

Next Tuesday, the 27th of October, Ninh Bui and I (Hongli Lai) will be
speaking at OSCon 2015 Amsterdam. It is about a topic that we have
been involved in for 7 years, namely that of bootstrapping a business
around open source:


As open source enthusiasts, Ninh and I started Phusion in 2008 with
the goal of making Ruby and Rails production deployment simple,
reliable and enjoyable. Thus Passenger was born. We have made great
strides since then and nowadays we have expanded Passenger's reach to
Node.js, Python and Meteor with more languages on the horizon. But
funding is not a problem that solves itself, and thus we had to figure
out how to make money.

Our core offering is a free product, and most shops don't accept
“thanks” as a currency, so how are we able to continue to pay the
bills? How do we even do this without VC funding?

This talk tells the tale of two young developers and their quest to
build a good and successful product that at the same time must be able
to provide for their future families. If you have ever entertained the
idea of building a business around your open source project, then this
talk is for you. From business models to marketing, we will share our
experiences in setting up a company like Phusion (your mileage may

Sign up for OSCON today with this discount! Use code SPEAKER25 for 25%
off: http://conferences.oreilly.com/oscon/open-source-eu-2015

With kind regards,
Hongli Lai
Ninh Bui
Phusion B.V. | Web Application deployment, scaling, and monitoring solutions

Web: http://www.phusion.nl/
E-mail: in...@phusion.nl
Chamber of commerce no: 63501007 (The Netherlands)
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