CREA download

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Feb 11, 2021, 4:27:58 PM2/11/21
Hey guys,

I have the impression that PHRets does not support the CREA feed yet, or am I mistaken. Did anybody get it to work? I tried fetching the list of listing using the Standard-XML, but that did not work.

Using the COMPACT, it pushed me all data instead of a list with listingIDs.

So I am a bit confused on how to get this fully working.


Gregg Moore

Feb 11, 2021, 4:39:05 PM2/11/21

Please show us your queries….  Thank you!

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mark enriquez

Feb 11, 2021, 5:00:48 PM2/11/21
so RETS data comes as an associative array with field name defined by whatever RETS provider your.area uses.

you will not get XML data and I must admit, i.havent heard of CREA so am at at loss with that.

but yes, you will probably have to foreach through the returned array and remap the fieldname into a different table...ESP. if you plan to use a prebuilt wordpress plugin...good luck

- mark


Gregg Moore

Feb 11, 2021, 5:25:30 PM2/11/21
CREA uses the same RETS platform. It’s all about the query, regardless if it’s a Canadian or USA feed. 

Sent from my iPhone 

On Feb 11, 2021, at 2:00 PM, mark enriquez <> wrote:

mark enriquez

Feb 11, 2021, 5:52:06 PM2/11/21
Interesting... personally, I don't get why they just don't use a slightly modified version of baseline SQL for the queries.  like why make devs learn an entire new data retrieval syntax?

the irony there is that, at some level, the RETS system is probably building your provided query BACK TO SQL for interfacing with their database, which is highly likely to be Oracle or DB2.

so I have built a pretty slick PHP tool that will take the RETS returned data an dynamically create a local mysql table, using the fieldnames provided and cleaned up, AND the provided field datatype definition, and then load the data into this freshly built table so you can pretty much effortlessly play.with the full set of local data  instead of worrying about remote retrieval and such.

i have considered open sourcing this tool as I have very successfully used it with over 10 different RETS provider and it is pretty much bulletproof, but I also feel like I deserve some sort of financial compensation for the months of hard work I've put into creating and debugging it to work for the various different RETS platforms.

I mean, if wordpress plugin devs can charge for their modules, why shouldn't I have the same right?  i mean, of course I do, so that point is moot, but I just focused more on the functionality and not on the Wordpress hooks I'd need to add.

anyway, if you think such a tool would be useful for your needs, hit me up via email and we can talk about it.

- mark

Gene Sevenau

Feb 12, 2021, 6:57:20 PM2/12/21

Yes sir we would be interested.

Look forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.

Of course we completely agree work needs to be compensated accordingly .

 Just the thought of being able to convert that rETS data to a reasonable  language makes me tingly all over.

Tried to email direct at the webware address but it bounced back.

 email me

looking forward to dealing with you.

Sincerely Gene Sevenau

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Feb 13, 2021, 10:27:16 AM2/13/21
Thanks, @Mark for the offer. We have constructed our own database structure we offer to our clients as a web service. CREA is the 10th (or so) MLS we index. It is a bit different compared to another MLS.

For example, when you have access to the CREA system, the broker needs to set up some kind of feedID for you with a customized search inside the larger pool of CREA data. CREA manages all the listings in Canada. This makes it way more complex when managing multiple clients, with multiple feeds, etc, because each has its specific set of security.

I managed to get the STANDARD-XML version working using a CREA modified version of Phrets I've found online: it needs a bit of work and seems abandoned but with some tweaks, got it to work


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mark enriquez

Feb 14, 2021, 4:56:34 PM2/14/21

Ohhh so CREA is just the name of the RETS provider your area uses for access to the MLS data..its not some new standard (thank God!).  That is good news.

Looking at the github link you sent me...that code is a *very* barebones version of just grabbing the data...what comes after it is where the real work starts.  You will need to create a local mysql table with all the fieldnames and then store each row of data into it...

Im not sure if you need any help with that or not, so let me know where you guys stand with all of it and Ill see if i can help you.

- mark

Feb 15, 2021, 2:23:20 AM2/15/21

As I said, we've got that covered already. We are already storing listings of 10+ MLS providers. CREA is a variation on this, mapping the data to our database structure is not the hardest part :)

The difference between a normal MLS and CREA's version is that the broker creates a search inside the CREA database. As a technology provider, you don't have access to all the data in MLS, you have only access to the predefined searches as defined by the broker. So a mapping table needs to be integrated as well to match the ListingID with the Broker Search ID (also called DDF). As a broker, you have only access to the listings predefined in your search. This search is linked to the contract this broker has with CREA.

On a side note:
I am a huge fan of the work RESO is doing, finding a way to store all data in a structured way. Let's hope their work goes a bit fast, but aligning almost 1000 MLS providers is not easy.



Feb 15, 2021, 7:52:57 AM2/15/21
Hey Eric,

Not sure if you got this sorted but just wanted to let you know CREA RETS will allow you to pull all listings if set up in the DDF.

For my my last broker I was pulling all listings from Ontario as small brokerages around here want to display more than just their own listings.

There is nothing stopping you from pulling evey listing in Canada if you wanted as this is not basses ok your contract with CREA (actually any contract you would have is at the provincial and board local board level anyway).  If you were to do this you need a lot of storage though as CREA does not provide listing photo links you need to download thumbnails and full res images to your own server.

I do remember having issues trying to pull standard XML, for some reason they prefer Compact decoded.

This should be accurate information up to about a year ago, so some things could have changed.


mark enriquez

Feb 16, 2021, 7:06:32 PM2/16/21

Ok well great deepest apologies for my continued misunderstanding of CREA.  What totally threw me off was the github link you sent which showed  what looked like a totally typical phrets-type login and data grab... 

I guess I also can't figure out what your question is for the phrets google group...did i miss something somewhere lol?  It is quite impressive that you are currently interfacing with 10 simultaneous RETS/MLS feeds, so congrats with that!

If you do have a question as related to phrets or accessing MLS data us phrets, please restate it as I could probably help you with it...thanks!

-  mark

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