Failing to install on centos 7

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Aug 14, 2019, 3:50:52 AM8/14/19
to phrasea-install-en
After going through all the setup and making sure everything ticks the boxes I get the following error on both command line and in browser install:

  Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? 

system:install [--server-name [SERVER-NAME]] [--db-host [DB-HOST]] [--db-port [DB-PORT]] [--db-user [DB-USER]] [--db-password [DB-PASSWORD]] [--appbox [APPBOX]] [--databox [DATABOX]] [--db-template [DB-TEMPLATE]] [--email [EMAIL]] [--password [PASSWORD]] [--data-path [DATA-PATH]] [--es-host [ES-HOST]] [--es-port [ES-PORT]] [--es-index [ES-INDEX]] [-y|--yes] [-h|--help] [-q|--quiet] [-v|vv|vvv|--verbose] [-V|--version] [--ansi] [--no-ansi] [-n|--no-interaction] [--] <command>

Php 7.3.8 and Composer 1.9

Anyone have similar or knows how to fix please?

Gaspard Jacobson

Aug 21, 2019, 7:50:26 AM8/21/19
to phrasea-install-en

As of today, Phraseanet only supports PHP version 5.6.x or 7.0.x. You should therefore switch to another default version of PHP on your web server and CLI.

Keep in touch if you have nay questions.

Gaspard Jacobson


Aug 28, 2019, 3:06:02 AM8/28/19
to phrasea-install-en
Thanks Gaspard,

I have tried again this time with php 5.6 and get a bit further until it tries to create the basusr table.

I now get this error:

an error occured: An exception occurred while executing 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `basusr` ( `id` int(11) unsigned auto_increment NOT NULL, `base_id` int(11) unsigned default '0' NOT NULL, `usr_id` int(11) unsigned default '0' NOT NULL, `canputinalbum` int(1) unsigned default '0' NOT NULL, `candwnldhd` int(1) unsigned default '0' NOT NULL, `candwnldsubdef` int(1) unsigned default '0' NOT NULL, `candwnldpreview` int(1) unsigned default '0' NOT NULL, `cancmd` int(1) unsigned default '0' NOT NULL, `canadmin` int(1) unsigned default '0' NOT NULL, `actif` int(1) unsigned default '0' NOT NULL, `canreport` int(1) unsigned default '0' NOT NULL, `canpush` int(1) unsigned default '0' NOT NULL, `creationdate` datetime default '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL, `basusr_infousr` text CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `mask_and` int(11) unsigned default '0' NOT NULL, `mask_xor` int(11) unsigned default '0' NOT NULL, `restrict_dwnld` int(1) unsigned default '0' NOT NULL, `month_dwnld_max` int(10) unsigned default '0' NOT NULL, `remain_dwnld` int(10) unsigned default '0' NOT NULL, `time_limited` int(1) unsigned default '0' NOT NULL, `limited_from` datetime default '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL, `limited_to` datetime default '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL, `canaddrecord` int(1) unsigned default '0' NOT NULL, `order_master` int(1) unsigned default '0' NOT NULL, `canmodifrecord` int(1) unsigned default '0' NOT NULL, `candeleterecord` int(1) unsigned default '0' NOT NULL, `chgstatus` int(1) unsigned default '0' NOT NULL, `lastconn` datetime default '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL, `imgtools` int(1) unsigned default '0' NOT NULL, `manage` int(1) unsigned default '0' NOT NULL, `modify_struct` int(1) unsigned default '0' NOT NULL, `bas_modify_struct` int(1) unsigned default '0' NOT NULL, `nowatermark` int(1) unsigned default '0' NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`id`),UNIQUE KEY `unik` (`base_id`,`usr_id`),KEY `basid` (`base_id`),KEY `usrid` (`usr_id`),KEY `canadmin` (`canadmin`),KEY `actif` (`actif`)) ENGINE=innodb CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;': SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1067 Invalid default value for 'creationdate'

An issue with the 0000-00-00 00:00:00 default datetime.
I am in Australia if that matters and we use dd-mm-yyyy

Gaspard Jacobson

Aug 28, 2019, 6:01:51 AM8/28/19

The issue seems to be related to your mysql configuration and strict mode being enabled. To solve the issue go to "/etc/mysql/conf.d" on your server and create a file called disable_mysql_strict_mode.cnf
Inside this file copy the following content :


The most important is to disable the NO_ZERO_IN_DATE and NO_ZERO_DATE in your mysql configuration.
You can then restart mysql service.

I am available if you have any questions.

Gaspard Jacobson

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Aug 29, 2019, 3:31:58 AM8/29/19
to phrasea-install-en
Thanks again Gaspard,

I have fixed that and now it has the error - an error occured: Databox template "en\x2Dsimple" not found when choosing en-simple as the template. DublinCore installs fine though.
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Aug 29, 2019, 3:38:39 AM8/29/19
to phrasea-install-en
Just noticed that when I logged into admin it shows the yellow header page but just has a spinning wheel that never stops also

Gaspard Jacobson

Aug 29, 2019, 5:58:08 AM8/29/19

I assume you succeded in installing Phraseanet on your webserver. To fix the issue related to the administration panel you can try the following procedure :
 - Go to the config directory located on your Phraseanet installation and edit the file configuration.yml
- Search the value geonames-server and replace http by https inside the defined url.
- Then from your Phraseanet directory, lauch the command "bin/console compile:configuration".

Keep in touch if you have any questions,

Gaspard Jacobson

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Aug 29, 2019, 11:49:48 PM8/29/19
to phrasea-install-en
Seems just a issue with the databox directories now:

  • /var/www/Phraseanet/datas/databox/documents (databox - document) must be a directory

    Create directory "/var/www/Phraseanet/datas/databox/documents" directory so that the subdef could be stored.

  • /var/www/Phraseanet/datas/databox/documents (databox - document) directory must be readable

    Change the permissions of the "/var/www/Phraseanet/datas/databox/documents" directory so that the web server can read it.

  • /var/www/Phraseanet/datas/databox/documents (databox - document) directory must be writable

    Change the permissions of the "/var/www/Phraseanet/datas/databox/documents" directory so that the web server can write into it.

  • /var/www/Phraseanet/datas/databox/documents (databox - image/preview) must be a directory

    Create directory "/var/www/Phraseanet/datas/databox/documents" directory so that the subdef could be stored.

  • /var/www/Phraseanet/datas/databox/documents (databox - image/preview) directory must be readable

    Change the permissions of the "/var/www/Phraseanet/datas/databox/documents" directory so that the web server can read it.

  • /var/www/Phraseanet/datas/databox/documents (databox - image/preview) directory must be writable

    Change the permissions of the "/var/www/Phraseanet/datas/databox/documents" directory so that the web server can write into it.

I have /var/www/Phraseanet/datas owned by www-data with chmod 775.
I also have it setup in apache2 as follows:

<VirtualHost *:80>
   ServerName localhost

   DocumentRoot "/var/www/Phraseanet/www"

   Alias /datas "/var/www/Phraseanet/datas"

   <Directory "/var/www/Phraseanet/www">
       DirectoryIndex index.php
       Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
       AllowOverride All

  <Directory "/var/www/Phraseanet/datas">
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
        Order allow,deny
        AllowOverride None
        Allow from all

Am I missing something from the apache conf?

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Gaspard Jacobson

Sep 4, 2019, 12:03:40 PM9/4/19

I recommend that you keep apache configuration file as simple as possible by removing the directives on /var/www/Phraseanet/datas. You should also try to re-edit your mysql /conf.d file and completely disable mysql strict mode like so :

sql_mode= ""

Best regards,

Gaspard Jacobson

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Sep 10, 2019, 2:14:59 AM9/10/19
to phrasea-install-en
Thanks Gaspard,

I managed to get the collection to create and can upload (only small files) but they don't show in prod.

Current errors in dashboard
  • Recommandations
A cache server extension such as Memcached, Memcache or Redis is recommended <-- this is ok as Memcached is installed and shows in php info
        Version 2.2.0
        libmemcached version 1.0.18
  • ArrayCache should not be used in production

    Configure a Cache Server<-- not sure how to configure it to use memcached.

  • Info
  • Current implementation : Alchemy\Phrasea\Cache\ArrayCache
  • hits : 0
  • misses : 0
  • uptime : 1568095775
  • memory_usage :
  • memory_available :
Also seems a problem with Elasticsearch as prod has the following error:

Content-Type header [] is not supported
{"error":"Content-Type header [] is not supported","status":406}

Search Engine

  • Info
  • name : Microserver
  • cluster_name : elasticsearch
  • cluster_uuid : cGzrBFfxRmKivXeNsQl08g
  • tagline : You Know, for Search
  • version:number : 7.3.1
  • version:build_flavor : default
  • version:build_type : deb
  • version:build_hash : 4749ba6
  • version:build_date : 2019-08-19T20:19:25.651794Z
  • version:build_snapshot :
  • version:lucene_version : 8.1.0
  • version:minimum_wire_compatibility_version : 6.8.0
  • version:minimum_index_compatibility_version : 6.0.0-beta1
Hopefully we are close to getting this up and running.

Thanks for your help
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Gaspard Jacobson

Sep 10, 2019, 4:15:29 AM9/10/19

We're almost there ! As mentioned in the doc prerequisite, Phraseanet is only compatible with Elasticsearch version 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 or 2.4. Therefore you will have to downgrade your current Elasticsearch version and after that install Analysis-icu plugin
(sudo /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/plugin install analysis-icu).
When you are done with this process, you will have to run the following commands in your Phraseanet workspace to create and populate your index :

 - bin/console searchengine:index:create
 - bin/console searchengine:index:populate

Keep in touch if you have any questions.

Gaspard Jacobson

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Sep 11, 2019, 12:07:40 AM9/11/19
to phrasea-install-en
THanks Gaspard,

I downgraded to Elasticsearch 2.4.6 and ran the commands you said and it seems to be working.
Now i just need to get the task manager to run to gernerate thumbnails on prod.

@Microserver:/var/www/Phraseanet$ bin/console task-manager:scheduler:run
  Unable to lock /var/www/Phraseanet/tmp/locks/task_manager.lock. 

@Microserver:/var/www/Phraseanet$  bin/console task-manager:scheduler:state

[2019-09-11 12:05:27] phraseanet.ERROR: Unable to notify the task manager with message "information" within timeout of 10 seconds [] []
Scheduler is stopped (configured with `started`)

When I try to start the task scheduler in Task Manager it doesnt start but log file only shows:

[2019-09-11 11:59:38] task-manager logger.NOTICE: Starting task manager ... [] []
[2019-09-11 12:04:42] task-manager logger.NOTICE: Starting task manager ... [] []
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Gaspard Jacobson

Sep 12, 2019, 7:49:53 AM9/12/19

You should first run the scheduler using the command bin/console task-manager:scheduler:run. You should then be able to start tasks form the Administration Panel.

Best regards,

Gaspard Jacobson

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Sep 16, 2019, 7:15:09 PM9/16/19
to phrasea-install-en
This is the error I get from console.

  Unable to lock /var/www/Phraseanet/tmp/locks/task_manager.lock.

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Sep 16, 2019, 9:34:52 PM9/16/19
to phrasea-install-en
I ended up removing the lock file and now get this error:

Running: bin/console task-manager:scheduler:run
  Unable to bind socket to tcp:// Is another one already bound ? 
  Failed to bind the ZMQ: Address already in use 

Running: sudo netstat -ap | grep 6660
tcp       39      0 localhost:6660*               LISTEN      26225/php      
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