Adjusting space around images and removing all navigation?

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Steve Harman

Dec 23, 2011, 5:58:13 AM12/23/11

Firstly thanks for a great script, we were up & running in no time!

Basically we're trying to provide a 'kiosk' display of slideshow images with our browser running in full-screen-mode, so there's no need for user intervention and therefore no need for navigation buttons (back, next, stop, start etc.).  I'm a little worried about breaking things; would it be possible for someone to suggest which lines I should comment out to remove these please?

Also our images are relatively big (not large in KBs, just big in x by y size!) and when we have them running in PHPSlideShow they're mostly pushed off to the right of the screen by the left-hand-margin - is there a way to remove or minimize the padding (or whatever it is) to the left of the images?  This should bring the images over to the left enough to be fully visible without forcing scroll-bars in the browser.  I guess in an ideal world we'd like no padding / margins at all and simply have the images 'centered' in the middle of the page.

Once again thanks for an excellent piece of work with PHPSlideShow.




Dec 23, 2011, 2:44:40 PM12/23/11
to PHPSlideShow by
You're looking to customize template.html. This is where you can
remove the padding from arround the images and remove the navagation
from the screen. See readme.txt for a list of All Template tags. To
unlink the main image find this around line 374 of phpslideshow.php

$images = "<a href='$path?directory=$path_to_images
$images .= "<img src='$path_to_images/$item[0]' class='image'
alt='$lang_img_alt' title='$lang_img_hover'></a>";

and change it to

$images = "<img src='$path_to_images/$item[0]' class='image'
alt='$lang_img_alt' title='$lang_img_hover'>";
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