Question about dependencies

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Brendon Nelson

Nov 8, 2011, 1:30:10 PM11/8/11
to PhpForAndroid
Alright, to make a long story short, I have an application that has
functionality that includes JSON and making HTTP requests. I was
unable to push the ruby version of this application into an .apk,
because I had to have mechanize in order for the app to work and
mechanize does not yet work on Android since Ruby on Android is not
yet a complete implementation of Ruby. So now I have the PHP version
of this application, which does the same thing. My question is, will I
run into issues with dependencies on the application with regards to
those JSON/HTTP calls?

Ivan Mosquera Paulo

Nov 22, 2011, 6:22:44 PM11/22/11
to PhpForAndroid

On 8 nov, 19:30, Brendon Nelson <>

I'm not sure which dependencies you mean. Json module is included if
that's what you mean.


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