interesting observation, thanks for bringing this up.
I think you touch a general concern and would like to react on your last sentence...
i think it would be interesting if each technical PSR would come with an "official" test suite that runs functional tests of the specification. that would further clarify the intent of the specification and improve compatibility between implementations. if this is something the FIG would consider, i would offer to help draft the pattern for specification integration tests. i did that for a large API with the phpcr-api-tests [1], allowing for the fact that implementations not necessarily implement the complete spec or need to skip specific tests until issues are fixed, so that they can require green tests before achieving full spec compliancy.
at php-http, we maintain a psr7 integration test suite [2] that we run with the known psr7 implementations. some of those implementations also build their repository with the integration tests. if the FIG is interested to provide integration test suites for the PSRs, we would be happy to donate this repository to the FIG to start with an existing test suite that is used in the wild.