Hello Sir,
Perhaps what you are saying is correct, as the page to which it is
redirected(i thought it would be redirected to the url src points
to ?), is not malicious.
I was not sure about its maliciousness as I already said, i am
suspicious. The src attribute of the invisible img tag has a __url__
and a dynamically updated string var data.
It is written dynamically using document.write, So, may be the page
which this img tag directs to is not safe... Its just a thought I got
while I saw the script, since it seemed unusual.
On Jul 18, 3:58 am, jose nazario <
jose.monkey....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Neha
> I'm inclined to think this is just a 404 page with some tracking in it. Can
> you see how it is malicious?
> -- jose Nazario
> The following script was caught by the phoneyc, today at a sitehttp://