Javascript features extractor

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Neha Jain

Jul 19, 2010, 6:09:00 AM7/19/10
Hello Reader,

Javascript is quite a nasty in language in itself, sorry for offending some of your feelings. But I feel this after analyzing the features and working on building a feature extractor for it! Though its interesting, because of it, btw..
Well, JS uses encoding, splitting and type conversions quite often and many a times in one line only. For instance for Iframe creation on approach is:

document.write(<iframe ...>);

and other is document.write('<' + string.fromCharCode(105) + 'fram' +unescape('%65') + '>');

Now, a simple regex search like :

re.findall("\<iframe.*\>", js)

is going to miss it.
So, I think it is quite obvious that I write some code that takes such script as input and returns a properly formatted JS to the feature extractor so that no such attempts go undetected. Other way could be that I assume such attempts to hide the tags likes - iframe, object, embed etc.. are deliberate attempts only in case of mal scripts and write a function that if find such notorious JS mark it malicious and drop it from the further investigation. (Comments??)

Well, I was thinking of using split(';') cascaded with split('+') etc.. but that is going to be quite long. Some pointers on how to do it,short and smart, would be quite generous, and I would be grateful.

Sincere Regards,
Neha Jain

Neha Jain

Jul 21, 2010, 6:04:02 AM7/21/10
Following are some of the regular expressions I have been working with to get the function calls and variable names. They seem to work just alright.
# function evaluation: fetches functions like: eval, document.getElementById etc..
m = re.findall("(\w+|\w+\.\w+|\w+\.\w+\.\w+)\(.*?\);",js)

#variable extraction:
v = re.findall("var\s+(\w+)\s*=\s*new\s+(\w+)\(.*?\);?",js)
v = re.findall("var\s+(\w+)\s*[=;,]+",js)

This seem to be working better than the earlier implementations in the
I am working on improving them as well as other regular expressions for feature extraction. I was anyways thinking if I am going on the right track, and if there was any other approach for the same task that was better in terms of time and space than this.
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