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Help with Google Apk Signing

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Jeff Berwick

Sep 2, 2017, 1:28:24 PM9/2/17
to 'Rob Willett' via phonegap
Hi guys,

I know this isn’t necessarily related to Cordova, but it is somewhat related.  If this is off-topic, and you can help, please email me offline at: .

I created a Cordova app for IOS a couple years ago and have now ported it to Android.  I uploaded my first version and that went well.  I discovered a bug and needed to uploaded a new version.  My app appears on the user device, but doesn’t go past the first screen.  I think this is related to apk signing.

I enrolled in apk signing by Google, so Google has created an upload certificate for me to use going forward.  I downloaded the file, which has a .der extension, and double-clicked it.  Keychain opened up, so I suspect the certificate was added to my computer.

I understand that I have to update my keystore, but can’t find anywhere on the internet to tell me how to do this.

At any rate, I’m stuck and am looking for somebody who has gone through this process to guide me.

Thanks in advance.


Jeff Berwick

Sep 2, 2017, 6:18:40 PM9/2/17
I think I solved this by finding an obscure mention on the internet.

It seems I can add the Google upload cert with the following command:

key tool -importcert -file upload_cert.der -keystore <keystorefile>

Hope this helps anybody else out there.


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Zeno R.R. Davatz

Mar 4, 2018, 4:40:45 PM3/4/18
to phonegap

Am Sonntag, 3. September 2017 00:18:40 UTC+2 schrieb Jeff Berwick:
I think I solved this by finding an obscure mention on the internet.

It seems I can add the Google upload cert with the following command:

key tool -importcert -file upload_cert.der -keystore <keystorefile>

When I do this and the release my App and try to sign it, I get the following Error:

"trusted certificate entries are not password-protected"

it seems like the file that Google Play Store provides (upload_cert.der) has no password.

Do you also get this error?

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