I've got back to the office earlier than expected and we've just coded
up a revised help system.
1. We have a button in a menu bar (it's actually an icon).
2. The button has an ng-click that calls a function ShowHelp() in
Navigation Controller.
3. The function ShowHelp() calls $state.go('help') which calls a
series of Help screens defined as ion-slides.
We didn't use any timeouts at all and simply coded it up as I've
already outlined.
Here's the ShowHelp function
$scope.ShowHelp = function () {
// ConsoleLog("$scope.ShowHelp called");
Here's the icon/button in index.html
<ion-nav-buttons side="right">
<button class="button button-clear button-custom"
ng-click="ShowHelp()" ng-show="ShouldHelpOptionBeEnabled()">
<i class="icon jambuster-help"></i>
<button class="button button-icon button-clear
ion-navicon" ng-click="ShowRightMenu()"
and heres the app.js where we define the help templates.
// The help controller is for normal help
.state('help', {
url: '/help',
templateUrl: 'templates/help.html',
controller: 'HelpCtrl'
So it does work as we thought. You have something else wrong.