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Phone with android version 9.0 cannot works well with my apps.

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Pasti Nyala

Sep 4, 2019, 8:13:52 PM9/4/19
to phonegap
im a super junior mobile app programmer. I have a problem where phone with android version 9.0 unable to access app i develop. This happen since i change the value for android-targetSdkVersion to 28 (since google play only accept value 28 for this preference). However, if i change the 28 to 27, then Android version 9.0 able to access my app. Is there any suggestion or maybe direct solution for my problem? I would veryy appreciate your help thank you so much.

Michael Potter

Oct 14, 2019, 6:23:18 PM10/14/19
Look for use of HTTP in your code and change it to https.

On Wed, Sep 4, 2019 at 8:13 PM Pasti Nyala <> wrote:
im a super junior mobile app programmer. I have a problem where phone with android version 9.0 unable to access app i develop. This happen since i change the value for android-targetSdkVersion to 28 (since google play only accept value 28 for this preference). However, if i change the 28 to 27, then Android version 9.0 able to access my app. Is there any suggestion or maybe direct solution for my problem? I would veryy appreciate your help thank you so much.

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