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Open positions at TreePhilly/ Urban Forestry team

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Kim Jordan

Mar 6, 2024, 10:37:08 AM3/6/24
to Philadelphia Orchard Group
There are some job openings at TreePhilly / Parks and Rec. Urban Forestry that we were asked to share. Please see info below! 

Open positions:

  • TreePhilly Program Assistant (Seasonal - 9-months / $18/hr): Looking for two people to join the TreePhilly team to support with our community programs across the city! This is a great position for anyone looking to get into a career working with communities and plants with a focus on environmental justice. The benefits are limited to free SEPTA and sick days after 6 months, but there are ample opportunities for professional development, skill-building and networking. 
  • Customer Service Manager for Urban Forestry: The Customer Service and Content Manager is a new position created as part of implementation of the Philly Tree Plan, a 10-year strategic plan for the equitable growth and care of Philadelphia’s urban forest.  This position will address communications and cultural barriers to help residents access and use City and partner services, develop and implement communications to highlight the importance of trees to public health and livability in the city, and celebrate the way communities engage with trees.  They will also manage customer service staff to provide residents with fast, proactive, and accurate information about PPR’s urban forestry efforts.

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