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POP & PASA agroforestry workshops in Aug!

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Phil Forsyth

Aug 3, 2022, 2:14:17 PM8/3/22
to Philadelphia Orchard Group
Philly Orchardists,
Some great food forest learning opportunities coming up!  See forwarded message below for info on agroforestry workshops hosted by PASA, including one at POP partner Saul HS on 8/19.  POP is also hosting the following workshops this month:  
Saturday, August 20
10:00am - 12:00pm

POPHarvestEd: Shiso sweet and Shiso salty

Come harvest Shiso at the Awbury Food Forest and learn how to use it in your kitchen!

Thursday, August 25
6:30pm - 8:00pm

Perennial Vegetables Virtual Workshop with Eric Toensmeier

Evolve your growing space with perennial vegetables!

Perennial vegetables offer years of harvests from a single planting. Many produce in early spring, long before annual vegetables are ready to harvest. Some perennial vegetables can grow in places too wet, dry, or shady for annual vegetables. Some are exceptionally nutritious. And, most importantly, many are delicious. We’ll provide an overview of perennial vegetables as a group, and highlight species suited to Philadelphia’s climate.

Eric Toensmeier is the author of Perennial Vegetables and is especially proud of his sea kale broccoli plants, which are 21 years old this year and still producing.

See below for info on the PASA agroforestry workshops!  

Phil Forsyth, Co-Executive Director
Philadelphia Orchard Project
Pronouns: he/him

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Marie Hathaway <>
Date: Wed, Aug 3, 2022 at 10:17 AM
Subject: [pufn] 🌳🌻August agroforestry events in and around Philly
To: <>

Planting trees on farms is a climate-smart practice that diversifies ecosystems and income streams to support healthy landscapes and viable businesses. Join Pasa for one (or both!) of our upcoming field days at farms with newly planted alley cropping systems. Alley cropping is an agroforestry practice of growing annual or perennial crops between rows of trees.

Adding Trees to a Draft-Powered Vegetable Farm
Wednesday, August 17 • 4–7 pm • Northampton County, PA • Cost: $20 / $10 for Pasa members

Join us at Good Work Farm to tour the first plantings of their new alley cropping system, and learn how trees can boost your farm’s economic and climate resilience.

Refreshments will be provided. Registration limited to 25 people.

Learn more & register >>

Boosting Productivity on an Urban Orchard
Friday, August 19 • 10 am – 1 pm • Philadelphia • Cost: $20 / $10 for Pasa members

Kiwis, asparagus, hazelnuts, and more! Tour the new plantings at Weavers Way Farms and learn how alley cropping is helping them get more out of their orchard in Northwest Philadelphia.

Lunch will be provided. Registration limited to 25 people.


Marie Hathaway | Communications Specialist | Pasa Sustainable Agriculture


814.349.9856 x713


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