Hi all,
I am a newbie in Phoenix from Holland trying to get a json result from an inner join on two tables.
Seems to me an easy task, but I get pretty frustrated not getting a simple task like this to work.
I have a table users and a table posts. The posts table is created with "mix phx.gen.json Message Post posts ....".
From this api I am able to get a results table in json using
def index(conn, _params) do
posts = Message.list_posts()
render(conn, "index.json", posts: posts)
in post_controller.ex
which uses:
def render("index.json", %{posts: posts}) do
%{data: render_many(posts, PostView, "post.json")}
def render("index.json", %{postsandusers: postsandusers}) do
%{data: render_many(postsandusers, PostView, "postsanduser.json")}
def render("show.json", %{post: post}) do
%{data: render_one(post, PostView, "post.json")}
def render("post.json", %{post: post}) do
description: post.description,
complete: post.complete,
title: post.title,
body: post.body,
authorid: post.authorid}
from post_view.ex
Now I created the following function in message.ex
def list_postandusers do
query = from p in Post,
join: u in Mijnsite.User, where: u.id == p.authorid, select: {p.id, p.description, p.complete, p.title, p.body, p.inserted_at, p.updated_at, p.authorid, u.id, u.email, u.familyname, u.firstname}
This function is ok.
But how can I render result in a json object and sent this using Ajax to my http client
I expected to do something like:
def index(conn, _params) do
postandusers = Message.list_postandusers()
render(conn, "index.json", postandusers: postandusers)
I tried to place it at various places, but all in vain: in post_controller.ex , add a Postanduser controller and view taking Post controller and view as an example.
At this moment I added the following lines to router.ex
scope "/api", MijnsiteWeb do
pipe_through :api
resources "/posts", PostController, except: [:new, :edit]
get "/postandusers", PostanduserController, :index
get "/postandusers/:id", PostanduserController, :show
Can someone help me before I give up on