Use Phoenix to parse content on external websocket

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Dec 11, 2017, 11:50:09 AM12/11/17
to phoenix-talk
Hi People,

Does anybody has an idea how to use the phoenixframework to consume content(events) from a websocket.

I have a websocket I can connect to with for example wscat. The content is Json and should be parsed and logged in a DB.
The Phoenix app should use this content to update state's of object.

I also need a way to initialise and make sure websocket is connected to not mis out on important information about state changes of objects etc.

Thanks for any directions

Dec 11, 2017, 1:02:22 PM12/11/17
to phoenix-talk
Hey Job, this mailing list has been deprecated, and I see that you've made a post on the elixirforum too. Let's continue the discussion there.
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