Hello everyone
I have websockets authenticated with Phoenix.Token:
def connect(%{"token" => token}, socket) do
case Phoenix.Token.verify(socket, "user_id", token, max_age: @two_weeks) do
{:ok, user_id} -> {:ok, assign(socket, :user, user_id)}
{:error, reason} -> :error
and my socket module exposes function `id`
def id(socket), do: "users_socket:#{user_id(socket)}"
def user_id(socket), do: socket.assigns[:user]
which, as far as I understand, makes it possible to register all sockets in the PubSub server with a topic like "users_socket:42".
This allows me to run
Foo.Endpoint.broadcast("users_socket:42", "disconnect", %{})
which sends a disconnect message to all sockets of the user with ID 42. It does work.
But how do I send a channel message to all windows of that user? I need a way to send messages to browser windows on some server side event.
All my attempts such as the following
pubsub_server = Foo.Endpoint.__pubsub_server__
Phoenix.PubSub.broadcast! pubsub_server, "users_socket:42", %Phoenix.Socket.Broadcast{
topic: "mychannel:main",
event: "msg",
payload: %{body: "hello there"}
have failed.
I am definitely missing something.
Best regards,
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def join("user:" <> token, _params, socket) do
case Phoenix.Token.verify(socket, "user socket", token, max_age: @max_age) do
{:ok, ^socket.assigns.user_id} -> {:ok, socket}
{:error, _reason} -> {:error, "permission denied"}