cowboy to phoenix

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Jun 7, 2017, 5:16:56 AM6/7/17
to phoenix-talk
I have a cowboy project with schemas and handlers specified. But, there is no support for sessions and CSRF protection in cowboy. So,I need to shift this project to phoenix. Phoenix uses cowboy as dependency and invokes Plug.Adapter.cowboy.Handler . Is there any easy way to shift to phoenix? I could not find support to migrate from cowboy to phoenix.


Jun 12, 2017, 3:36:18 PM6/12/17
to phoenix-talk
For note, you generally get a lot faster of an answer at as there are a lot more eyes there.  :-)

It depends on how you are doing it so far, like if you are deep with schemas and handlers those will likely need to be tossed out.  However the application 'work' code should be as simple as calling from Phoenix Controller modules.  If you can show examples of how it is now on the forum above (it uses standard markdown so syntax highlighting with code fences works) then you may get some direct conversions.  :-)
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