Install problem

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Chris Miller

Aug 19, 2007, 2:42:29 PM8/19/07

       I just downloaded and installed the Phocoa framework. Reading through the Getting Started PDF, I'm trying to run 'phocoa newproject', but the directory paths are not being set correctly. As such, the helloworld directory is being created in / on the server, and the /helloworld/helloworld directory is never created. The wrapper script doesn't appear to set or phocoa.project.dir properly, but even if I nail then in the shell script, the problem remains. Also, I noticed the following typo :

Will this project use database access via Propel?(yes/no) [1]

The default should be a word, not a number ;-)

On the Phocoa web site, you have mailing list links that point to, which resolves to (same as, but there's no Apache config pointing to Mailman. Looks like you moved from Mailman to Google for the mailing list. If there's some list archives available, that would be extremely helpful.

Aside from that, you have a very promising looking framework I'd like to evaluate for developing web applications for my customers. Where can I find the current status on the project?



Aug 19, 2007, 2:58:15 PM8/19/07
to phocoa users

Just as a followup, here's the output of phocoa, and info about my

CentOS 4.5
propel 1.2.1
phing 2.3.0beta1
creole 1.10

[root@hs1 gadgetclub]# /usr/local/phocoa/phing/phocoa newproject
phing -f /usr/local/phocoa/phing/build.xml -Dusing.phocoa.make=true -
Dphocoa.pwd=/home/gadgetclub -Dphocoa.dir=/usr/local/phocoa - -Dphocoa.project.dir=/home/gadgetclub/
helloworld newproject
Buildfile: /usr/local/phocoa/phing/build.xml

phocoa > prepareGeneral:

[echo] PHOCOA framework base dir at: /usr/local/phocoa

phocoa > newproject:

Enter the name of the new project: [helloworld]
[echo] The container directory for your PHOCOA project will be
used to place the log, runtime, and project directories. Please be
Enter the path to the project container directory: [/home/gadgetclub/
[realpathexpandhome] Resolved /home/gadgetclub/helloworld to
Enter the name of the server (ie dns name) that will host this
application: [localhost]
Enter the IP of the server that will host this application:
Enter the PORT of the server that will host this application: [80]
[phingcall] Calling Buildfile '/usr/local/phocoa/phing/build.xml' with
target 'setupProjectContainer'

phocoa > setupProjectContainer:

[echo] Creating project container directories and setting up
[chmod] Changed file mode on '/log' to 777
[chmod] Changed file mode on '/runtime' to 777
[chmod] Changed file mode on '/runtime/smarty/templates_c' to 777
[echo] Creating project directory: /helloworld
[mkdir] Created dir: /helloworld
[echo] Copying PHOCOA templates...
[copy] Copying 9 files to /helloworld
[mkdir] Created dir: /helloworld/wwwroot/www
[mkdir] Created dir: /helloworld/modules
[echo] Setting up configuration files...
[copy] Copying 3 files to /helloworld
[filter:ReplaceTokens] Replaced "##SERVER_IP##" with ""
[filter:ReplaceTokens] Replaced "##SERVER_PORT##" with "80"
[filter:ReplaceTokens] Replaced "##SERVER_NAME##" with "localhost"
[filter:ReplaceTokens] Replaced "##PHOCOA_APP_DIR##" with "/
[filter:ReplaceTokens] Replaced "##PHOCOA_APP_DIR##" with "/
[filter:ReplaceTokens] Replaced "##PHOCOA_BASE_DIR##" with "/usr/local/
[filter:ReplaceTokens] Replaced "##PHOCOA_APP_DIR##" with "/
[filter:ReplaceTokens] Replaced "##PHOCOA_APP_DIR##" with "/
[filter:ReplaceTokens] Replaced "##PHOCOA_BASE_DIR##" with "/usr/local/
[filter:ReplaceTokens] Replaced "##PHOCOA_APP_DIR##" with "/
[filter:ReplaceTokens] Replaced "##PHOCOA_APP_CONTAINER_DIR##" with ""
[filter:ReplaceTokens] Replaced "##PHOCOA_APP_CONTAINER_DIR##" with ""
[filter:ReplaceTokens] No token defined for key
[filter:ReplaceTokens] Replaced "##PHOCOA_APP_DIR##" with "/
[filter:ReplaceTokens] Replaced "##PHOCOA_BASE_DIR##" with "/usr/local/
[filter:ReplaceTokens] Replaced "##PHOCOA_APP_CONTAINER_DIR##" with ""
[filter:ReplaceTokens] Replaced "##PHOCOA_APP_CONTAINER_DIR##" with ""
[filter:ReplaceTokens] Replaced "##PHOCOA_APP_DIR##" with "/
[phingcall] Calling Buildfile '/usr/local/phocoa/phing/build.xml' with
target 'httpdconf'

phocoa > prepareGeneral:

[echo] PHOCOA framework base dir at: /usr/local/phocoa

phocoa > prepareProject:

[echo] 1
[php] Evaluating PHP expression: $_ENV['_']
[echo] PHOCOA project dir at: /helloworld
[realpathexpandhome] Resolved /helloworld/.. to /
[echo] PHOCOA project container dir at: /
[property] Loading /helloworld/conf/
[property] Unable to find property file: /helloworld/conf/ skipped

phocoa > httpdconf:

[echo] PHOCOA requires some httpd configurations to work its
magic. You must either be able to edit httpd.conf, or have an apache
with mod_rewrite enabled.
Select httpd configuration mode: 1=httpd.conf, 2=.htaccess [1]
[echo] Make sure your httpd.conf file contains the line:
Include //helloworld/helloworld/conf/httpd.conf
Will this project use database access via Propel?(yes/no) [1] 2
Will this project use database access via Propel?(yes/no) [1] no
[echo] New Project setup complete.


Total time: 23.8842 seconds

Alan Pinstein

Aug 20, 2007, 10:34:25 AM8/20/07
Hi Chris-

Thanks for trying the framework!

       I just downloaded and installed the Phocoa framework. Reading through the Getting Started PDF, I'm trying to run 'phocoa newproject', but the directory paths are not being set correctly. As such, the helloworld directory is being created in / on the server, and the /helloworld/helloworld directory is never created. The wrapper script doesn't appear to set or phocoa.project.dir properly, but even if I nail then in the shell script, the problem remains. Also, I noticed the following typo :

I have not seen anyone have that problem with the phing build before... 

It looks like the error is happening right here:

[realpathexpandhome] Resolved /home/gadgetclub/helloworld to

That should look like:

[realpathexpandhome] Resolved /home/gadgetclub/helloworld to /home/gadgetclub/helloworld

The realpathexpandhome is a custom phing task I wrote to resolve "~" references in the path. It's possible that it there is a bug in that code. The code for that is in:


Then look at the main() function. It's a really simple function... should be pretty easy to debug where the problem is... I sort of recall during development running into an issue like this if the path I gave it had "alias" files on a Mac or symlinks in the path rather than a simple path of real directories... maybe that's the issue?

Will this project use database access via Propel?(yes/no) [1]
The default should be a word, not a number ;-)

Yes, this seems to be a phing bug. This is what is in my build.xml:

        <input propertyname="local.usePropel" validArgs="yes,no" defaultValue="yes">Will this project use database access via Propel?</input>

But somehow phing doesn't like that.

On the Phocoa web site, you have mailing list links that point to, which resolves to (same as, but there's no Apache config pointing to Mailman. Looks like you moved from Mailman to Google for the mailing list. If there's some list archives available, that would be extremely helpful.

Hmm... I actually don't see a bad link on the web site. The user guide does have this bad link, though...  I have fixed that.

Aside from that, you have a very promising looking framework I'd like to evaluate for developing web applications for my customers. Where can I find the current status on the project?


When I started the project three years ago, I open-sourced it, set up the site, and mailing lists and such, to see how the uptake would be.

Sadly, there hasn't been a huge community around it. Although I do continue to use it for all of my projects and have continued to enjoy its power and flexibility, there isn't much community. Only 3-4 developers using it right now.

However, I am still working on it a lot and once I get through this current "push" of new development (going on now through the end of the year), I plan on pushing it again. I really discouraged people from using it too much at the beginning for fear that I'd need to make BC-breaking changes, but I am pretty over that now. I see how to make the changes I want going forward without breaking BC, so that just isn't as much of an issue anymore.

I tell you this in the interests of full disclosure, but by all means please try it out! I really do want it to become a successful PHP framework.


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