Schema.xml Validation with postgres in newProject

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3. 7. 2008 16:49:4003.07.08
komu: phocoa users,
More of the down-and-dirty of building phing/propel

Using postgres as the db, in the process of running newProject I get
the following on build. I'm wondering what's at the root of the
schema not validating. A similar project (same tables with the same
structure but with some additional tables) builds ok through this

Any ideas?

[exec] [echo] +------------------------------------------+
[exec] [echo] | |
[exec] [echo] | Generating SQL for YOUR Propel project! |
[exec] [echo] | |
[exec] [echo] +------------------------------------------+
[exec] [phingcall] Calling Buildfile '/usr/share/pear/data/
propel_generator/build-propel.xml' with target 'sql-template'
[exec] [property] Loading /usr/share/pear/data/
[exec] [property] Loading /usr/share/pear/data/
[exec] propel > sql-template:
[exec] [propel-sql] Unable to create a PDO connection:
SQLSTATE[08006] [7] missing "=" after "//zoa:zoa+localhost/zoa" in
connection info string
[exec] [propel-sql] Processing: schema.xml
[exec] [PHP Error] DOMDocument::schemaValidate(): Element
'table', attribute 'name' [ST 'table_name', facet 'pattern']: The
value 'zoa.address' is not accepted by the pattern '[\w_]+'. [line 486
of /usr/share/pear/propel/phing/AbstractPropelDataModelTask.php]
[exec] [PHP Error] DOMDocument::schemaValidate(): Element
'table', attribute 'name' [ST 'table_name', facet 'pattern']: The
value 'zoa.nameset' is not accepted by the pattern '[\w_]+'. [line 486
of /usr/share/pear/propel/phing/AbstractPropelDataModelTask.php]
[exec] Execution of target "sql-template" failed for the
following reason: /usr/share/pear/data/propel_generator/build-
propel.xml:195:1: XML schema file (/home/rfallis/www/zoa3/zoa3/propel-
build/schema-transformed.xml) does not validate. See warnings above
for reasons validation failed (make sure error_reporting is set to
show E_WARNING if you don't see any).
[exec] [phingcall] /usr/share/pear/data/propel_generator/build-
propel.xml:195:1: XML schema file (/home/rfallis/www/zoa3/zoa3/propel-
build/schema-transformed.xml) does not validate. See warnings above
for reasons validation failed (make sure error_reporting is set to
show E_WARNING if you don't see any).
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