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HELP using trained models with decoder

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Alexssandra Stefani

Dec 11, 2015, 2:27:37 AM12/11/15
to phnrec

 i was wondering if i would be able to get a bit of guidance with the trained NN models. i have successfully trained a small corpus using the 'NNScripts' provided but am a little lost in knowing how to use them with the phnrec. 

When the training finishes  i get a folder of the last iteration of training which contains other folders such as weights,norms.dict etc etc.  from a previously answered question (!topic/phnrec/W7QrSN5MFtY) i understandthat  we should rename the weights and norms files as streams_s0_1-> band0.weights?

 However i have no .weights or .norms files in my weights and norms folders  respectively, but files such as ,, in my norm folder and,,,,,, in my weights folder. These are also a different format as the .weights and .norms files that come in the pre trained models such as the TIMIT.

i did attempt at renaming a few of these and using it with the phnrec decoder but it was throwing an error in concern to the .weights and .norm files.

Any help would be greatly appreciated



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