10 Reasons Why a Teen Should Start a Business Over Taking a Job

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Jul 8, 2009, 5:34:37 AM7/8/09
to PHK Corporation
Think seriously before you suggest a teenager should get a job. It
could be very poor advice, particularly if you do not volunteer
information regarding setting up in business as well. And while
greater numbers of teenagers are setting up in business today, it is
still worthwhile considering why a business is more feasible than
moving into the labor force.

Here are 10 good reasons.

1. You Are in a Safer Place (especially in 2009)
What job would you be secure in today? Its the least secure career
path on the planet. I recommend starting a business now. There is
business opportunity galore!

2. You can act on your own ideas.
How often is the boss an idiot? Is he really there to run the business
or is he filling the space? In most cases a new idea is shelved
because its outside the daily routine - true! Its going to upset the
system and possibly the paycheck at the end of the week.

As your own boss you can act on every idea, and chances are it will
make you money! And today how critical are ideas, and the ability to
change direction very quickly. Large business's have been caught out
by long time executive employees unable to make that key strategic

3. Avoid eternal psychological conditioning
What is a job really and what do you become in a predisposed
conditioned environment? Be your own conditioner and levitate your
self to a new and exciting place.

4. Get paid for what you produce
A job worker gets paid per every hour worked, and does not get paid
the next hour until he/she works it. A business person builds a
business that at least provides income for the standard business
hours, and smart business people build passive income generating
consistently around the clock. In both cases the bulk of your time can
be invested in increasing your income instead of merely maintaining
your income.

5. Gain experience in the experience.
What experience does a job provide doing the same thing 40-50 hours
per week. Usually its repetitive process, and your exciting experience
was the first 2 weeks when you learned how to do the process you will
repeat everyday after then.

Business is the opportunity for new experience everyday. Even a
failing business is a new experience and something a business person
will experience at least once in their lifetime.

But the experience of business success is something that is difficult
to obtain as an employee.

6. Ensure your tax is going somewhere worthwhile.
Employee income is the most heavily taxed there is and usually paid up

Business and entrepreneur tax is paid afterwards and usually with
numerous expenses deducted. There is a certain degree of influence
over the tax flow. How would you like it to be?

7. Create your own income.
The level of income is in your hands. Does a job offer the same
control? Why is begging every 12 months considered an acceptable

8. Freedom is part of the package
When does an employee obtain the freedom to have choice of other than
what they can do on the weekend. When is the next holiday? What can I
put on my desk? Will the boss let me go early on Friday? I can only
have lunch at 1 o'clock!

If your the boss what are the choices available to you? Even in the
worst business you have the choice, always.

9. Choose your own social circle.
The friends you choose are the ones you keep, and they need not be in
your immediate vocational sphere. In fact chances are you will create
friends from a number of different circumstances, locations, environs
and cultures. This is limited within the realm of employee where to a
large extent your work colleagues also become your social colleagues.

10. Be responsible for your own results.
There is no one to blame but your self and there is no one to reward
but yourself. No job worker enjoys this privilege and will often
relent to blaming others regardless. In this regard courage, honesty,
integrity, and honor are all at stake, no matter what you achieve.

At the risk of offending anyone in a job, the truth is in the 10
reasons listed above. I do not need to justify these reasons for they
speak for themselves. But it would be unfortunate if these 10 reasons
were not provided to every teenager what ever they choose for there
life career path. A the very least they could make a choice or even do
their own research to verify what has just been said.

10 very good reasons for a teenager to start a business today.

Discover the secrets to becoming a teenage millionaire. Receive your
FREE ebook at http://www.successfulteenageentrepreneur.com

Stuart G Harris


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stuart_G_Harris

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