Fwd: Desmond Tutu, Gloria Steinem, Angela Davis, Naomi Klein...

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Mayte Quintanilla

Aug 5, 2014, 8:40:23 AM8/5/14
to phinter...@googlegroups.com, partido humanista españa
Hola amigos

Jewish for Peace (judios por la paz), me envía esta información.

Si entráis en este enlace:

Podréis subir una foto con un cartel pidiendo parar la masacre de Palestina.

Podríamos hacer algo parecido nosotros. Alguien sabe como?

Un abrazo


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Cecilie Surasky, Jewish Voice for Peace <in...@jewishvoiceforpeace.org>
Date: 2014-07-28 19:44 GMT+02:00
Subject: Desmond Tutu, Gloria Steinem, Angela Davis, Naomi Klein...
To: mayte...@gmail.com

Action Alert

People all over the world are stepping up - many for the first time - to send a clear, urgent message: We Choose Freedom for All.


Dear Teresa,

Stop everything—now— for just 4 minutes.

Sit quietly with this just-released joint Jewish and Palestinian video about Gaza. If you are with loved ones or colleagues—ask them to sit down and watch with you.

And take it in.

For this heartbreaking but necessary video, we asked for help from Jewish Voice for Peace members worldwide, and every hero, every artist, we knew.

And they all said yes. Yes to an end to all bombing. Yes to justice for Palestine.  Yes to freedom for all people.

Gloria Steinem said yes, Chuck D and Brian Eno said yes, Angela Davis and Jonathan Demme said yes. Diana Buttu and Tony Kushner said yes. Alison Bechdel and Eve Ensler said yes. Noura ErakatMaya Wind and Remi Kanazi said yes. 

Rigoberta Menchu and Desmond Tutu said yes.

In short, the people in this video represent the human family, standing on the side of freedom— for Palestinians and Israelis alike. And we say No to this unspeakable carnage wrought by one of the world’s most powerful militaries dropping explosives on an imprisoned and defenseless population.

Watch the video, share it on Facebook and via email, join the campaign and add your own photo. Invite others to do the same.

Click here: Freedom4Palestine.org

And take in just some of the names and faces and ages of the children, mothers and fathers, and entire families who have been killed in this horrific assault on the captive population of Gaza.

And take in our message, one that truly comes from a place of love for justice: that a lasting peace for Israelis and Palestinians will never be possible until we address decades of Palestinian dispossession, statelessness, inequality, exile, occupation and siege.

Click here to watch: Freedom4Palestine.org

Then share this video with 10 people:

People who are scared to say publicly what they think privately.

People who hold tightly to their fantasy that Palestinians and Jews are mortal enemies, so they don't feel the horror of what the Israeli government is doing to human beings, just like them.

People who may need to be reminded that injustice will go on long after the bombing stops - unless we make real change.

People who feel isolated and powerless in the face of this ongoing massacre.

Click here: Freedom4Palestine.org and add your photo.

I just ask that if you choose to memorialize the name of someone who has died, that you memorize that name, find out everything you can about them, tape their name or image to your wall, and make him or her a part of your story.

And most important, honor their lives by taking to the streets, joining a JVP chapter, starting a divestment campaign, talking to your family and friends.


Cecilie Surasky
Deputy Director

PS: In Israel, radio spots naming those killed in Gaza have been banned. In the US, media coverage hasn’t been much better. Please, share this video today – we have to take responsibility ourselves for sharing our humanity, our grief, and our hope for the future.

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