Closing this group

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Craig Cunningham

2011年5月1日 下午6:13:372011/5/1
I've been managing Philosed for several years, having revived it when
it became dormant for a few years before that. There's a small place
in my academic heart for the list that harkens back to when Tom Green
was "factotum" of the list in the early 1990s. It was quite an
education in philosophy of education to participate back then. But
now, there are many different venues for discussions of philosophy of
education, and, looking at the archives of this list, I see that I'm
the only one who has posted to it for years (other than A.G. Rud's
announcement that he was becoming dean at Washington State).

So, in a week or so, this list will be history. Cheers! -Craig

Covaleskie, John F.

2011年5月2日 晚上9:22:222011/5/2
Craig: thanks for your work on our behalf over the years. It is sad to see
philosed end because of my love for Tom, but who could have imagined twenty
years ago how communication would change.


John F. Covaleskie
Associate Professor, Educational Studies
University of Oklahoma

Professor Emeritus
Northern Michigan University

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