Proposals for Debate Topics and Resolutions for Business Meeting - Friday October 1, 4:30 PM - ICC 2nd Fl

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Nick Iacono

Sep 28, 2010, 12:23:04 AM9/28/10
to The Philodemic Society of Georgetown University
Philodemicians and friends of the Philodemic,

Please use this thread to submit your proposals for resolutions and
topics that you would like to see debated for the next round of
debates. These 
proposals will be compiled and presented for
consideration at the 
next Society Business Meeting this Friday,
October 1, 4:30 PM - ICC 2nd 
fl. Please endeavor to submit
resolutions that are creative, original, 
accessible, and stimulating.
I would encourage you to consider the debates we had this past month
and think about (in your opinion) what worked and did not work and
factor that into proposals.

Yours truly,


Ohm J. Gore

Sep 28, 2010, 10:31:23 AM9/28/10
to The Philodemic Society of Georgetown University, Ohm Gore
All youths in all states should be required to perform national
The United States should reinstate the draft.
American Universities should institute income-based affirmative

Sam Dulik

Sep 28, 2010, 8:50:09 PM9/28/10
to The Philodemic Society of Georgetown University
Vote Republican.

The Republican Party, and not the Democratic Party, will lead America

The United States should lift the embargo against Cuba.

Sherman's March was justified.

The South will rise again.

The Tea Party is an asset to American democracy.

Dustin Walker

Sep 28, 2010, 9:06:31 PM9/28/10
The Republican Party should control the 112th Congress. 

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Brandon Butterworth

Sep 28, 2010, 10:59:38 PM9/28/10
I like Dustin's pithy wording. I second Sherman's March.


The revolution will not be tweeted.

Cyber warfare is a greater threat than nuclear weapon proliferation.

The United Nations is obsolete.

The age of nations has passed.

There should be no legal restrictions on gambling.

The war in Afghanistan is winnable.

Making trade fairer is more important than making trade freer.

Innovation works best when the government works least.
Brandon Butterworth
School of Foreign Service Georgetown University 2011

Alex Henderson

Sep 28, 2010, 10:56:53 PM9/28/10
The Republican party is an anachronistic mistake.

On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 9:06 PM, Dustin Walker <> wrote:

Jon Askonas

Sep 29, 2010, 1:58:40 AM9/29/10
to The Philodemic Society of Georgetown University
Democracy is a threat to our Republic
Populism is a threat to our Republic
Political extremism is a threat to democracy
Reason opposes Rationalism
Nationalism is a blight on society.
The Rally to Restore Sanity and not the March to Keep Fear Alive
better represents the American political tradition.

Alex Henderson

Sep 29, 2010, 10:48:21 PM9/29/10
Desire is the enemy of happiness.

The Catholic Church is a force for good in the world.

Sex is the prime mover of civilization.

Compassion works against the national interest.

The internet has hollowed out culture.

The modern American worker works too much.

Civil disobedience is unjust.

Freedom burns itself out.

Purchasing information ought to be the property of the consumer.

The cure for Global Warming is worse than the disease.

Kill all the lawyers, and kill them tonight!

Anarchism is the new communism.

The Beat generation was the last authentic American subculture.

Public Speaking is a moral art.

Eloquence is power.

Image matters more than content.

The modern university erodes individualism.

Non-lethal dueling should be re-instituted in the American legal system.

Law is the enemy of freedom.

The Native Americans, not the Pale Faces, are the rightful owners of the USA.

Geronimo is an American hero.

Custard was a gutless, action-taking, one trunk-inheriting, child-killing, slavish, knavish, super-serviceable, roguish, sanguine-cowardly, horse-thieving, blasted, calumnious, yellow-bellied, lily-livered son and heir of mongrel bitch. But he's an American martyr.

It was tyrannous to outlaw the Ghost Dance.

Strauss is wrong.

China's monopolization of rare earth metals merits the rearmament of Japan.

Japan should be rearmed.

We should pull out of Korea.

Africa should be re-imperialized.

No more tax-dollars should go to Harvard.

Down with the Ivy League.

The American Republic should transition to an oligarchy.

The American Republic is an oligarchy.

The Tea Party movement is angry. They should be pacified.

Too big to fail is too big.

Public speaking and Rhetoric should be a required course set.

Economics is so 20th century.

Ideology is so 20th century.

Destroy the two party system.

Dante was a second rate poet.

Romantic love is overrated - friendship is where its at.

Love conquers all.

The members of the Philodemic society are quite mad.

Well, that's all I have for now...

Will Downes

Sep 29, 2010, 11:31:33 PM9/29/10
to The Philodemic Society of Georgetown University
The Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were justified.
Power is the basis of politics.
History is merely a set of lies agreed upon.
King David was a righteous man.
Free will does not exist.


Sep 30, 2010, 4:43:21 PM9/30/10
to The Philodemic Society of Georgetown University

Biological factors completely determine how a system behaves.
Civil authority derives from the consent of the governed.
Action is eloquence.
A friend is a second self.
All virtue is summed up in dealing justly.
Happiness depends upon ourselves.

On Sep 28, 12:23 am, Nick Iacono <> wrote:

Tyler Hale

Sep 30, 2010, 12:10:53 AM9/30/10
"Strauss is wrong."

Yeah, man. F*** the Blue Danube Waltz.

Nick Iacono

Oct 1, 2010, 1:37:50 PM10/1/10
to The Philodemic Society of Georgetown University
Resolved: Citizenship alone should not enfranchise the voter.

Resolved: The production of fossil fuels does more harm than good

Resolved: Saudi Arabia is an ally of the United States

Resolved: Israel is an ally of the United States

Resolved: Spreading democracy in the Middle East is a realistic goal

Resolved: Unions do more harm than good

Resolved: Colonialism did more good than harm

Resolved: The US Armed Forces should withdraw from Afghanistan

Resolved: The US is a state sponsor of tyranny
> ><philodemicsociety%2Bunsubscr>
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Oct 1, 2010, 5:49:31 PM10/1/10
to The Philodemic Society of Georgetown University

I think he meant Richard. Which makes sense, as I also find Death and
Transfiguration offensive.

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