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DH events at Falvey Memorial Library: Julia Flanders October 31st and Nov. 1st.

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Erica Hayes

Sep 10, 2019, 2:51:12 PM9/10/19

Hi, all,

See below for another event of potential interest.



Erica Hayes
Digital Scholarship Librarian
Falvey Memorial Library
Villanova University



Falvey Memorial Library is very pleased to announce our Digital Seeds speaker for Fall 2019, Julia Flanders of Northeastern University. Please mark your calendars for the events below, and consider forwarding this announcement to colleagues and students who you think may be interested. Dr. Flanders’ visit will comprise a public lecture on Thursday, October 31, and a lunchtime workshop the following day on DH pedagogy, geared toward faculty and graduate students. If you would like to attend the workshop, please RSVP at the link provided.



When you think all you have is a hammer, you're not looking closely enough at your tools: Emerging research tactics for humanities scholarship


October 31, 2019, 4:00pm-5:30pm, Falvey 205


The Women Writers Project — a digital research collection focused on early modern women's writing in English — was designed at a time when digital methods were in their infancy, and has evolved with the field of digital humanities. What kinds of research does such a collection make possible, now that digital methods are maturing and are taking root in humanities departments? What debates animate the ongoing development of collections like this one? How do the politics of digital tools manifest in these research spaces? This presentation will examine the Women Writers Project and the social and technical systems that support it, and also discuss the starting points and design agendas for institutions and scholars seeking to establish new digital scholarship programs.


Light refreshments will be provided.



Exploring Digital Humanities Pedagogy Workshop


November 1, 2019, 12:00-1:30pm, Falvey 205


This workshop will explore tools and strategies for digital humanities pedagogy that meet three challenging criteria: Do they offer genuinely illuminating engagement? Are they within our capacities as busy scholars and teachers? Can our institution support us in using them? We'll discuss and experiment with some concrete examples, and share challenges and experiences. To sign up for this workshop, please visit


Julia Flanders is a Professor of the Practice in the Department of English and the Director of the Digital Scholarship Group in the Northeastern University Library. She also directs the Women Writers Project and serves as editor in chief of Digital Humanities Quarterly, an open-access, peer-reviewed online journal of digital humanities. She has served as chair of the TEI Consortium and as President of the Association for Computers and the Humanities. Her research interests focus on data modeling, textual scholarship, humanities data curation, and the politics of digital scholarly work.




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