Dear friends and colleagues,
Please join us for our next meeting of the 2019-2020 Workshop in the History of Material Texts. We will convene Monday, September 16th at 5:15 PM in the Class of 1978 Pavilion on the sixth floor of Van Pelt-Dietrich Library.
We will be welcoming Joshua Kotin (Princeton) for a talk entitled “The Shakespeare and Company Project." Joshua writes:
In 1919, an American named Sylvia Beach opened an English-language bookshop and lending library in Paris. She called it Shakespeare and Company and it soon became the meeting place of a community of expatriate writers and artists that included Gertrude Stein, Ernest Hemingway, and James Joyce. In 1922, Beach published Joyce’s Ulysses under the Shakespeare and Company imprint -- a feat that would assure the bookshop and lending library’s iconic status. The Shakespeare and Company Project is a digital humanities initiative that recreates the world of the bookshop and lending library. Using records from Beach’s extensive archive at Princeton University's Firestone Library, the Project details what members of the bookshop and lending library community read and where they lived. The Project also captures how the community changed from the end of World War I to the German Occupation of France, and the community’s connections to French writers and artists. This workshop will present a preview of the Project and an overview of its aims and discoveries. The talk will also discuss the Project’s history, its work transforming archival documents into data.Joshua Kotin is Associate Professor of English at Princeton University. His research and teaching focus on modernism and poetry and poetics. He is the author of Utopias of One (Princeton University Press, 2018) and the director of The Shakespeare and Company Project.
Please forward this email widely to any who might be interested, and please join us on Mondays throughout the semester. All are welcome! Workshops are free and open to the public. Those who do not hold University of Pennsylvania ID cards should bring another form of photo identification in order to enter the library building.
Sept. 23: Jonathan Senchyne (Wisconsin): "American Book History’s Black Mirror: Peter Fleet and Isaiah Thomas"
Sept. 30: Erin Schoneveld (Haverford): "Shirakaba and Japanese Modernism: Art Magazines, Artistic Collectives, and the Early Avant-garde"
Oct. 7: Liza Blake (Toronto): "Margaret Cavendish's Books and Some Alternate Histories of Textual Bibliography"
Oct. 14: Daniel Jütte (NYU): "Hammering out the Reformation? Luther’s 95 Theses as a Material Text"
Oct. 21: Deidre Lynch (Harvard): "Charles Lamb’s Paperwork"
Oct. 28: David Kazanjian (Penn): "Documenting Dispossession in the 1690s"
Nov. 4: Joseph Howley (Columbia): "Enslaved labor and the ancient Roman book"
Nov. 11, 12, and 14: Charles Burnett (Warburg Institute), Rosenbach Lectures in Bibliography <>: "Form and Style in the Transmission of Arabic and Greek Science and Philosophy to the Latin West"
Nov. 18: Nancy Farriss (Penn): "Christianity, Alphabetic Writing, and Indigenous Intellectuals in 16th- and 17th-century Mexico"
Nov. 25: Philip Mogen (Penn): "Recycling and Remaking Tudor and Early Stuart tracts during the British Civil Wars"
Dec. 2: Johanna Drucker (UCLA): "Alphabet Historiography: Bibliography and Modes of Knowledge Transmission"
Dec. 9: Kathryn James (Yale): "Imperfect: Bibliography, Natural History, and the Problem of Incomplete Knowledge"
Zachary Lesser
Professor of English, University of Pennsylvania
Jerry Singerman
Senior Humanities Editor, University of Pennsylvania Press
John Pollack
Curator, Research Services, Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts
Peter Stallybrass
Walter H. and Leonore C. Annenberg Professor in the Humanities and Professor of English
Philip Mogen
Brizdle-Schoenberg Fellow in the History of Material Texts