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Upcoming WORD LAB events at the Penn Libraries

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Molly Des Jardin

Oct 3, 2019, 4:15:56 PM10/3/19

Good afternoon, Philly colleagues. I'm excited to announce WORD LAB’s Fall 2019 meetings! A few highlights:

  • Oct 10, 2019: Read and discuss Katherine Bode's "Why you can't model away bias," reviewing Ted Underwood's new book

  • Oct 24, 2019: Read and discuss John Wilkerson, David Smith, and Nicholas Stramp's “Tracing the Flow of Policy Ideas in Legislatures: A Text Reuse Approach” in American Journal of Political Science

  • Nov 21, 2019 (2-3:30pm in 526 Van Pelt): NYU’s Prof. Amy Catalinac, sponsored by the Price Lab for Digital Humanities, on her work using text analysis for Japanese political science (

Please join us -- all are welcome! Unless otherwise noted, we meet Thursdays from 12-1:30pm in Van Pelt 623 (Vitale II Media Lab). You can find links to readings, more information about speakers, and additional events on our schedule at

WORD LAB is a computational text analysis learning community at the University of Pennsylvania Libraries covering a wide range of research, disciplines, and methods. We've had members and speakers working on East Asia, German, the Middle East, religion, law, communications, linguistics, business, computer and information science, history, cultural studies, librarianship, literature, and more. Our current organizers are Penn librarians Scott Enderle, Molly Des Jardin, and Katie Rawson.

No registration is needed for WORD LAB -- feel free to join us for as many or as few sessions as you can, even if you need to arrive late or leave early. You can enter Van Pelt with a photo ID if you don’t have a PennCard. For more information, upcoming schedules, and to join our mailing list, visit our website at!

Molly C. Des Jardin, PhD
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