Finding A Seat - EOF's Report Launch

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Jay Cohen

Nov 15, 2018, 5:03:10 PM11/15/18
Hi Parents.  This is just in from Sylvia Simms and Educational Opportunities for Families (EOF).   


Good Morning, 

We just released EOF’s report on Philadelphia’s school application and selection process - Finding A Seat. The report can be found on EOF’s website (, as well as the press release that was sent to the media (

We will be promoting the report on EOF’s Facebook ( and Twitter ( accounts, and encourage you to like and share these posts with your followers. Kevin will be pitching the report to Philly reporters and we are working on an OpEd as well. We also plan on having EOF host an event in the near future with stakeholders to discuss the implementation of the report’s recommendations. 

Please let me know if you have any questions. I appreciate everyone’s support in getting this across the finish line. 

Sylvia P. Simms

No One Of Us Is As Strong As All Of Us.

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