Invitation to present at the Family Involvement Conference in the Fall

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Jay Cohen

Mar 25, 2019, 7:43:05 PM3/25/19
Hi Parents.  Are you interested in presenting at a conference in the fall?  Every year, I help to coordinate the Family Involvement Conference held in Harrisburg and they are looking for presenters.  The invitation to present and instructions are below...

Invitation to Present


45th Annual Family Involvement Conference


Hand in Hand: Families, Schools, and Communities


October 27-30, 2019


Best Western Premier

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania




The Family Involvement Conference is presented to you by the Pennsylvania Coalition for Parent Involvement Ltd. in collaboration with the National Association for Family, School, and Community Engagement NAFSCE. This conference is based upon the premise that active family involvement in the education process is the key to effective schools and student achievement. Its goal is to bring together, in a common forum, school administrators, teachers, community members, and parents, to interact and address issues that are vital to academic success and the well-being of our children. This includes afterschool and out-of-school-time programs, special needs children and early childhood education. Join with colleagues and parents to share ideas about how to make this partnership a reality in your school.


This three-day, national conference provides an excellent opportunity to showcase the success you or your organization has achieved. 


Teachers, guidance counselors, administrative staff, and parent groups from local education agencies, state departments of education, colleges, and universities are encouraged to submit proposals.  Sessions will be 1 hour in length with an additional 15 minutes for questions and answers.


Proposals will be selected based on demonstrated achievement in initiating or promoting effective family/parent involvement programs, practices, or partnerships, or any curricular topic that we believe will benefit parents and educators attending the conference.


The deadline for submitting a proposal is April 8, 2019.


 Please visit our website, where you may submit or print the “Call for Workshop Proposals” form.  All questions should be directed to Caroline Allen, Program Chair, at .


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