Study Questions and Manners

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Nov 26, 2009, 12:00:10 PM11/26/09
to PHIL 13 Fall 2009
Happy Thanksgiving! Two items. (1) I have just posted Study
Questions for the Final Exam on the course website. Please have a
look before class next week. (2) As some of you no doubt observed
last class, I was a bit ticked off by the constant stream of late-
comers ... 10, 20, 40, 60 minutes late to class. I understand it when
students are a couple minutes late to class, but coming and going at
will is very disruptive, it's inconsiderate toward fellow students,
and it's disrespectful toward me. It never occurred to me that I
would need to enforce basic manners, but apparently I do. For our
last two meetings, don't bother entering the classroom if you are more
than 5 minutes late. If your interest in our last class extends only
so far as the last quiz, then wait outside the classroom, and I will
admit you at the end of that class, just prior to administering the
final quiz.

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